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In The News

In LA, it’s one crisis after another — and she can’t catch a break
By Elizabeth Chou, Los Angeles Public Press (February 6, 2025)

Measure A: Bold Action or More of the Same?
By Tim Campbell, City Watch (February 3, 2025)

Tambalea moratoria contra desalojos para afectados contra incendios
By Araceli Martinez Ortega, La Opinión (January 29, 2025)

OpEd: Olympics Represent New Opportunities
By Mark Loranger, Los Angeles Business Journal (January 27, 2025)

Strike votes scheduled for King Soopers grocery workers in Colorado
By Alex Findijs, ICFI (January 21, 2025)

Nadie sabe cuánto cuesta realmente la falta de vivienda en el condado de San Diego. ¿Qué se necesitaría para averiguarlo?
By Blake Nelson, San Diego Union Tribune (January 6, 2025)

Port automation is a sticking point for dockworkers union
By Henry Epp, Marketplace (January 2, 2025)

Nobody knows how much homelessness actually costs San Diego County. What would it take to find out?
By Blake Nelson, San Diego Union Tribune (December 30, 2024)

Surviving on $1,800 a Month in Social Security, She Died Looking for a Place to Live
By Shiran Genzi, The Journal (December 29, 2024)

LA rent hikes coming soon
By David Wagner, LAist (December 24, 2024)

The big question: what is the future for the global port labour force?
By Alexander Whiteman, Loadstar (December 20, 2024)

Disney Reaches $233M Settlement in Minimum Wage Lawsuit
By Winston Cho, Hollywood Reporter (December 17, 2024)

Disney agrees to $233-million settlement in wage theft case
By Gabriel San Román, Los Angeles Times (December 14, 2024)

Disney CEO Who Paid Trump Received Salary Equal To 9,284 Disneyland Workers: Report
By Aurora DeStefano, 2paragraphs (December 16, 2024)

Por qué los puertos son clave para una transición laboral justa en un futuro automatizado
by Allyson Browne, El Foro Económico Mundial (November 26, 2024)

How ports can lead a just transition for workers in an automated future
By Allyson Browne, World Economic Forum (November 14, 2024)

LA could cap rent hikes next year to 2% under new city rent control recommendations
By David Wagner, LAist (November 8, 2024)

Strike at U.S. Ports Brought Debate Over Automation Front and Center
By Helen Atkinson and Nick Bowman, Supply Chain Brain (November 4, 2024)

The end of ‘Housing First’ would lead to more street homelessness
By Juuso Määttänen, USCs Annenberg Media, (November 4, 2024)

Presionan por reforma del control de alquiler en LA
By Jorge Luis Macías, La Opinión (November 3, 2024)

The brutal reality of fast food work behind Trump’s McDonald’s moment
By Annabel Rocha, Reckon (October 25, 2024)

Preventing and overcoming homelessness in Phoenix through Workforce Development
By Carrie Masters, Queen Creek Independent (October 20, 2024)

“A Failure of Moral Judgment” – Judge Carter & the Crisis of the Unhoused
By Ruth and Zachary Ellison, Substack (October 12, 2024)

Automation Could Make Or Break New US Port Strike Agreement: “No automation means no automation”
By Andrew Moran, Epoch Times (October 11, 2024)

L.A.’s Homelessness Programs: Who are the Players, Part Three: LAHSA
By Tim Campbell, City Watch (October 10 2024)

Automation, the big issue after the suspension of the dockers’ strike in the United States
By TLW Editorial Team, Logistics World (October 4, 2024)

ILA Suspends Port Strike After Securing Big Raises
By Yaseen al-Sheikh and Paul Blest, More Perfect Union (October 4, 2024)

Dock Workers Postpone Potential Strike Until January 2025
By Janaki Jitchotvisut, Ride Apart (October 4, 2024)

Greve nos portos dos EUA afeta mercado
By Leonardo Gottems, Agrolink (October 4, 2024)

The Longshoremen Strike Is A Battle Of Workers Vs. Automation
By Jack Kelly, Forbes (October 3, 2024)

World Insights: Can U.S. striking port workers win battle against automation?
By Huaxia, Xinhua (October 3, 2024)

La relación entre nuestros emplleos and the huelga of los works ports for automatización
By Miami Editorial Staff, Negocios Magazine (October 3, 2024)

The Great Strike>Νεκρώνουν τα λιμάνια της Ανατολικής Ακτής των ΗΠΑ
The Clockwork Orange Times (October 3, 2024)

la grève massive des dockers américains contre l’automatisation
By Damien, Actualité Politique Française (October 3, 2024)

“Los robots no pagan impuestos”: la huelga masiva de los estibadores de EEUU contra la automatización
By Alba Asenjo Domínguez, El Independiente (October 3, 2024)

Em greve nos EUA, portuários da Costa Leste lutam contra automação; entenda
Portal Lei VIP (October 2, 2024)

The real reason 47,000 dockworkers are on strike
By Heather Long, Washington Post (October 1, 2024)

China wakes, US builds, woke wanes and tariffs tally
by Noah Smith, Asia Times (September 30, 2024)

Dock workers are waging a battle against automation. The rest of us might want to take notes
By Allison Morrow, CNN (October 2, 2024)

Strike at U.S. Ports Brings Debate Over Automation Front and Center
By Helen Atkinson and Nick Bowman, Supply Chain (October 2, 2024)

On strike in the US, East Coast port workers fight against automation
Floripa Newspaper (October 2, 2024)

The market has over-reacted to the Fed’s worries about the labor market
Barbara Rockefeller, Rockefeller Treasury Services, Inc. (October 2, 2024)

“Robots don’t pay taxes” – dock workers take the fight
By Daniel Jacobs, Dagens PS (October 2, 2024)

Beneath the Potential Strike at U.S. Ports: Tensions Over Innovation
Peter S. Goodman, New York Times (September 29, 2024)

Dock Workers On Strike, How Will It Affect US Motorcycle Shipments?
By Janaki Jitchotvisut, Ride Apart (October 2, 2024)

Beneath the Potential Strike at U.S. Ports: Tensions Over Innovation
Peter S. Goodman, New York Times (September 29, 2024)

Homelessness in the Valley: Frustration, Anger and Compassion
By Tim Campbell, CityWatch, September 16 2024

Setting up a fierce debate, city-commissioned report recommends changes that would lower LA rent hikes
By David Wagner, LAist (September 16, 2024)

LA Faces the Real Homeless Numbers Ahead of 2028 Olympics—Report Uncovers Crisis
By Rachael Gaudiosi, Westside Current (September 12, 2024)

The Least Of These
By Paul Rosenburg, Random Lengths (September 12, 2024)

Disneyland Strike Nears: 14,000+ Workers Set To Target California Theme Park In First Walkout In 40 Years
By Chris Katje, Benzinga (July 22, 2024)

Disneyland Workers Overwhelmingly Vote to Authorize Strike Amidst Labor Dispute
By Laurie Baratti, TravelPulse (July 21, 2024)

Disney Is Spending Billions To Try And Lure People Back To Its Theme Parks
By Martha McHardy, Newsweek (July 20, 2024)

Los Angeles’s homelessness crisis visualized
By Gabriel Kahn, Crosstown (June 28, 2024)

EV Transition Ripple Effects Call For Just, Careful Planning
By Paul Rosenberg, Random Lengths (June 27, 2024)

Food 4 Less Workers Plan Strike Vote to Demand Fair Wages
Conservative Core (June 16, 2024)

‘We’re not backing down’: US grocery workers take on Kroger with strike vote
By Michael Sainato, The Guardian (June12, 2024)

Monthly payments of $1,000 could get thousands of homeless people off the streets, researchers say
By Doug Smith, Los Angeles Times (April 30, 2024)

Four top LA academics want to give the city’s homeless population $1,000 a month in taxpayer cash with no strings attached
By Dolores Chang, Daily Mail (April 30, 2024)

A Whole-Person Approach to Combating Homelessness
By Mark Kreidler, Capital & Main (April 23, 2024)

Disneyland’s Mickey and Minnie are trying to form a union
By William Gavin, Quartz (April 19, 2024)

Kroger’s “nefarious bargain”
By Dave Infante, Popular Information (February 27, 2024)

A New Approach to Homelessness Shows Striking Success
By Paul Rosenberg, Random Lengths (February 22, 2024)

Days Before Eviction, 70-Year-Old Los Angeles Woman Contemplates Living in Her Car With Her Cat
By Jessica Goodheart, Capital & Main (February 7, 2024)

California grocery workers fear merger layoffs. Newsom vetoes bill that would have paid severance
By Alejandra Reyes-Velarde, CalMatters, California Divide (October 11, 2023)

San Bernardino airport business park would create poverty-level jobs, report says
By Jeff Horseman, The Press-Enterprise (October 8, 2023)

A Just Transition For Southern California
Paul Rosenberg, Random Lengths News, (September 28, 2023)

Reports claim trucks tied to warehousing are fueling inequality in SoCal
Anthony Victoria, KVCR News (September 28, 2023)

New reports link warehouse boom to economic and environmental disparities in Southern California
Christopher Salazar, The Frontline Observer (September 28, 2023)

Why Are California Policymakers Taking Steps to Make the Homeless Problem Worse?
By Jonathan Vankin, California Local (August 3, 2023)

Kroger Investors Pay Gap Proposal Win Emboldens Activists
Clara Hudson, Bloomberg Law (June 23, 2023)

Yes, you can be employed and homeless
David Brancaccio and Jarrett Dang, MarketPlace Morning Report, (June 1, 2023)

McDonald’s hiring 1,000 Southern California workers this summer
By Kevin Smith, Orange County Register (May 22, 2023)

Cooking Up Poverty
By Paul Rosenberg , Random Lengths (May 11, 2023)

Low wages, short hours drive many fast-food workers into homelessness
By Andrea Chang, Los Angeles Times (May 2, 2023)

Inequality You Can Taste: Low Wages and Unstable Employment Make Fast Food Workers Susceptible to Homelessness
By Ethan Ward, Capital & Main (May 2, 2023)

An Estimated 3,600 LA County Fast Food Workers Are Unhoused, Report Finds
By David Wagner, LAist (May 2, 2023)

One in 17 homeless people in California have jobs in the fast food industry: Low wages and inability to get full-time hours to blame, study claims
By Paul Farrell, Daily Mail (May 4, 2023)

Fast food industry’s low wages help fuel California’s homeless issues, says new report
By Matthew Miranda, Sacramento Bee (May 2, 2023)

L.A. fast-food workers sound alarm on facing homelessness
By Sara Welch, KTLA 5 News (May 2, 2023)

Report: Fast food workers make up nearly 10% of LA’s homeless population
By KCAL News Staff, CBS Los Angeles (May 2, 2023)

Report finds connection between fast food work and homelessness
By Scripps News – ABC Texas and NBC Wisconson (May 5, 2023)

Fast Food Workers Make up 11% of All Homeless Workers in California and Six Percent of Total Homeless Population
By Random Lengths (May 2, 2023)

Más de 10,000 trabajadores de la industria de la comida rápida en California son desamparados
By Araceli Martínez Ortega, La Opinión(May 2 2023)

Les bas salaires et les horaires réduits conduisent de nombreux travailleurs de la restauration rapide à l’itinérance
By Nouvelles Du Monde (May 2, 2023)

LA郡ホームレス人口の9%がファストフード店勤務 低賃金と住居不足が原因
By LALALA USA (May 3, 2023)

California homeless: Fast food workers on streets
By Rachel Bluth and Alexander Nieves, Politico (May 3, 2023)

Study Finds Thousands of Fast Food Workers in Los Angeles County Homeless
By Abu Writes, News Break (May 3, 2023)

Delicious Food (May 2, 202)

Eleven-Percent Of California’s Homeless Work In Fast Food
KSRO Sonoma County (May 2, 2023)

Flipping burgers — and living on CA streets
By Jeanne Kuang, CalMatters (May 3, 2023)

Más de 10,000 trabajadores de la comida rápida en California han estado sin hogar: “hemos vivido en nuestros carros”
By Dulce Castellanos, Univision (May 2, 2023)

More than 10,000 fast-food workers are homeless in California, report says
By Lisa Jennings, Restaurant Business Online (May 2, 2023)

3,600 LA County fast food workers are homeless, report shows
By Alexa Mae Asperin, Fox 11 LA (May 2, 2023)

Poverty Employer
By Soumya Karlamangla, New York Times (May 3, 2023)

Fast-food industry drives workers to homelessness, report finds
By Elizabeth Napolitano, Money Watch CBS News (May 3, 2023)

One in 17 homeless people in California has a job in the fast food industry
By Emma Colton, WST Post (May 2, 2023)

More fast food workers fear homelessness
By Our Weekly (May 4, 2023)

Report: 10% of LA’s Homeless Are Fast Food Workers
By The Workers Rights (May 3, 2023)

One In 17 Homeless People In California Has A Job In The Fast Food Industry
By NY Breaking (May 5, 2023)

The minimum hourly wage in California’s catering industry may rise to $22
By Redian News (May 17, 2023)

Broadcast Coverage of Hungry Cooks

A dire picture of fast food
By Spectrum News 1 (May 23, 2023)

1 in 9 homeless California workers is employed in the fast food industry
By KNX-AM Los Angeles (May 7, 2023)

New Report Details Homelessness in CA Fast-Food
By Josh Haskell, ABC – LA (May 3, 2023)

Homelessness Among CA Fast-Food Workers
By Chris Sedens, KNX News Radio LA (May 2, 2023)

Fast Food Workers Demand Higher Wages
By Cristy Fajardo, Fox 11 LA (May 2, 2023)

New Report: Low Wages and Short Hours Drive Homeless in Fast-Food
By Spectrum News 1 (May 2, 2023)

Fast Food Workers in Poverty
By Kristine Lazar, KCAL News (May 2, 2023)

Report: 3,600 Fast Food Workers Are Homeless
By Fox 2 News Bay Area (May 2, 2023)

Homelessness Among CA Fast Food Workers
By Chris Sedens, KCBS Radio Bay Area (May 2, 2023)

Many Homeless are Fast Food Workers
By Megan Hammer, KFBK Radio Sacramento (May 2, 2023)

Thoughts on the Kroger, Albertsons merger
By Rob Kaufelt, Supermarket News (April 12, 2023)

Grocery workers oppose Kroger/Albertsons ‘mega-merger’
Kevin Smith, The Orange County Register (April 7, 2023)

LA City Council Committee Approves Motion to Study Fee for Sidewalk Vending Permit
By Westside Today (March 16, 2023)

Propuesta buscará reducir costos de permisos para vendedores ambulantes
By Telemundo 52 Los Angeles (March 15, 2023)

City Council Committee Approves Motion to Reduce Permit Costs for Street Vendors
By City News Service (March 15, 2023)

Airport Service Workers Deserve Good Jobs
By Karla Walter and Aurelia Glass, Center for American Progress (March 7, 2023)

Biden’s Supply-Chain Envoy Encourages Port Automation Without Job Losses
By Dollar Deals, NewsBreak (March 4, 2023)

Biden Envoy Says Automating Ports Doesn’t Have to Cost Jobs
By Bloomberg News, Supply Chain Brain (March 2, 2023)

Sanders and Warren Grill US’s Largest Grocer on Reports of Rampant Wage Theft
By Sharon Zhang , TruthOut (February 17, 2023)

Elizabeth Warren And Bernie Sanders Hammer Kroger Over Wage Theft Allegations
By Dave Jamieson, Huffington Post (February 16, 2023)

LA City Council to expand tenant protections with expected start in February
By Sharla Steinman, Daily Bruin (January 27, 2023)

LA’s Homeless Count Underway, After Being Criticized for Methodology, Possible Undercounts Last Year
By Jamie Joseph, The Epoch Times (January 25, 2023)

LA County supervisors extend eviction moratorium to end of March
By Jason Ruiz, Long Beach Post (January 24, 2023)

With An Audit Looming, LA’s Homeless Count Moves Forward This Week
By Julia Barajas, LAist (January 23, 2023)

Editorial: L.A.’s eviction moratorium will end, but tenant protections should continue
By the Times Editorial Board, Los Angeles Times (January 10, 2023)

As LA’s COVID tenant protections expire, some fear eviction wave
By Eric He, HEY SOCAL (January 5, 2023)

‘Nowhere close’: LA accused of fudging homelessness numbers
By Kevin Haggerty, American Wire News Service (December 24, 2022)

Los Angeles County Follows City, Extends COVID-Era Eviction Moratorium
By Jill McLaughlin, The Epoch Times (December 24, 2022)

Pandemic eviction protections, direct payments kept homelessness in check, study shows
By Doug Smith, Los Angeles Times (December 15, 2022)

Ayuda del gobierno evitó que la indigencia aumentara un 23% en Los Ángeles
By Jacqueline García, La Opinión (December 15, 2022)

250,000 Unemployed U.S. Workers Were Saved From Homelessness By Government Help In The COVID-19 Recession
By Random Lengths News, (December 19, 2022)

Pandemic resolutions for the new year (and beyond)
By Karen Kaplan, Los Angeles Times (December 20, 2022)

Executive order from Mayor Bass aims to speed approval of affordable housing
By Steven Sharp, Urbanize (December 19, 2022)

Why working at Disney, the ‘Happiest Place on Earth,’ is a misery for many
By Eric Spitznagel, New York Post (December 17, 2022)

New Report Finds LA’s Homelessness Crisis Was Curbed By Government Economic Assistance
By Larry Mantle, Air Talk, KPCC (December 15, 2022)

Eviction protections, payments kept homelessness in check in L.A., study shows
By Alley Einstein, US Times Post (December 15, 2022)

Supply-Chain Workers Have the Power—and They’re Ready to Use It
By By Rachel Phua, The Nation (November 18, 2022)

Kroger, Albertsons Merger Could Hurt CA Economy, Critics Warn
By Maggie Fusek, The Patch (November 15, 2022)

How Albertsons, Kroger merger could hurt California’s economyh
By Daniel Flaming and Judy Wood, CalMatters (November 14, 2022)

Will Incoming Layoffs and Budget Cuts Affect Disney World?
By Luke Dammann, Walt Disney World (November 14, 2022)

As Profits Soar, The Disneyland And Disney World Magic Is Dying
By Kevin Wong, Yahoo! Finance (November 3, 2022)

Disney Is Losing Its Magic, New Report Indicates
By Luke Dammann, Inside the Magic (November 4, 2022)

Why Does The U.S. Lag Other Nations So Badly In The Automation Of Its Ports? (And Is That Good Or Bad?)
By Emily Schmidt, APM Research Lab (November 3, 2022)

Why are grocery prices so high? A look at the planned Kroger-Albertsons merger offers some clues
By Laura Clawson, Daily Kos (October 28, 2022)

Elizabeth Warren And Bernie Sanders Lead Opposition To Kroger-Albertsons Merger
By Dave Jamieson, Huffington Post (October 26, 2022)

The questions surrounding the accuracy of latest LA homeless count
By David Goldstein, CBS News (October 18, 2022)

5 things to know about Kroger, as it plans to merge with grocery competitor Albertsons
By Ryan Suppe, Belleville News-Democrat (October 17, 2022)

A progressive real estate transfer tax would help the city tackle homelessness
By Matt Martin and Maria Hadden, Chicago Tribune (October 7, 2022)

How Street Vendors Finally Made Street Food Legal In California
By Oscar Perry Abello, Next City (October 4, 2022)

New Ports Playbook Aims For Zero Emissions Worldwide By 2040
By Paul Rosenberg, Random Lengths News (September 29, 2022)

Political Attacks, Social Media Trolls and a Dishonest Opponent
By Random Lengths News (September 29, 2022)

New report outlines possible solutions to more housing in Los Angeles
By Charlene Muhammad, The Final Call (September 27, 2022)

Attacks on Los Angeles street vendors surge
By Carter Hyde, Crosstown (September 19, 2022)

Before the holiday season, workers at America’s busiest ports are fighting the robots
By Andrea Hsu, NPR (September 11, 20229)

Building a Stronger Economy: The Ports’ Neglected Role
By Paul Rosenberg, Random Lengths News (September 1, 2022)

US labor dispute: Dock workers say ‘no’ to port automation
By Theodore Ostrow, Edited by Uwe Hessler, Deutsche Welle (September 1, 2022)

Automation and the trade deficit are decimating US ports
By Michael Sainato, The Real News Network (August 10, 2022)

Homeless Crisis Will Get Worse, But There Is A Path Forward
By Dick Platkin, City Watch (August 4, 2022)

A West Coast port worker union is fighting robots. The stakes for the supply chain are high
By Hellenic Shipping News (July 26, 2022)

Workers, Unions, Politics: Weekend News & Commentary
By Kevin Vazquez, On Labor (July 24, 2022)

A West Coast port worker union is fighting robots. The stakes for the supply chain are high
By Bob Woods, CNBC, (July 23, 2022)

‘Someone Else’s Ocean’ — Ports Should Serve the Public, New Report Argues
By Paul Rosenberg, Random Lengths News (July 21, 2022)

A West Coast port worker union is fighting robots. The stakes for the supply chain are high
By Bob Woods, CNBC, (July 23, 2022)

‘Someone Else’s Ocean’ — Ports Should Serve the Public, New Report Argues
By Paul Rosenberg, Random Lengths News (July 21, 2022)

Should L.A. and Long Beach Get a New Deal From Their Powerhouse Ports?
By David Bacon, Capital & Main (July 6, 2022)

Automation at ports of LA, Long Beach hurts local, California economy, says study
By Donna Littlejohn, Daily Breeze (June 30, 2022)

LONG BEACH: Estudio cuestiona los beneficios de la automatización del Puerto
By Excélsior California, (July 6, 2022)

As West Coast Port Talk Heat Up, Many Communities Fear Declining with Automation
By Rachel Phua, Payday Report (July 1, 2022)

July 1 Port Labor Deadline: Retail Urges White House Intervention
By Kari Hamanaka, Sourcing Journal (July 1, 2022)

ILWU study proposes surcharge penalties for LA-LB port automation
Bill Mongelluzzo, Journal of Commerce (JOC), (June 30, 2022)

Inflation Is Hurting Homelessness Service Providers
By Ethan Ward, LAist (June 24, 2022)

Supreme Court Limits CA Labor Law, A Blow To Vulnerable Workers
By Ethan Ward, LAist (June 16, 2022)

Ruth Wilson Gilmore Talks Abolition Geography and Liberation
BY Lexi McMenamin, Teen Vogue (June 15, 2022)

Understanding America’s homelessness crisis
By The Week (May 1, 2022)

A Three-Phase Strategy to Reduce Homelessness
By Andrea Danes, Route Fifty (April 27, 2022)

A Watershed for 47,000 SoCal Grocery Workers: The Biggest Raise in Decades After teetering for weeks at the edge of a strike, Kroger and Albertsons employees approve a new union contract.
By Bobbi Murray, Capital and Main (April 20, 2022)

20年來最大增幅 南加超市員工加薪19%至31%
編譯組, World Journal (April 18, 2022)

UFCW forces through three-year deal covering 47,000 Southern California grocery workers
By Kevin Martinez, WSWS (April 18, 2022)

‘Unified and militant’: Grocery workers get double-digit pay raises in new contract
By Margot Roosevelt, Los Angeles Times (April 14, 2022)

Overheated housing market’s recent casualty — mortgage companies. But wider impact looms.
By Sougata Mukherjee, The Business Journals (April 14, 2022)

Strike Averted: OC Grocery Workers Vote on New Contract After Fighting for Better Pay
By Hosam Elattar, Voice of OC (April 12, 2022)

California Grocery Workers Vote to Authorize Strike on Supermarkets
By Jordan Varney, The Davis Vanguard (April 12, 2022)

Is the real estate bubble growing in the US?
By Maite Knorr-Evans, AS (April 10, 2022)

Disney Is a “Nightmare to Work For,” Long-Time Cast Members Say
By Andrew Boardwine, Inside the Magic (April 8, 2022)

California’s Disneyland may not be the happiest place on earth for cast members: Study
By Haley Chi-Sing, Fox Business News (April 7, 2022)

The ‘happiest place on earth’ is the complete opposite for its workers
by: Cali Jackson, ABC News (April 7, 2022)

Carl Icahn Pens Letter to Kroger Chairman and CEO
By Sydnee Gatewood, Guru Focus (April 5, 2022)

Staten Island Amazon Unionization Victory and the Crisis of Low Wages in America
By Peace Voice, Black Star News (April 3, 2022)

Grocery workers who are food insecure
Andrew Moss, Augusta Free Press (April 3, 2022)

A Major Strike Is on the Horizon at Grocery Stores Across Southern California
By Alex N. Press, Jacobin (April 2, 2022)

Grocery Store Workers Overwhelmingly Authorize their Unions to Call a Strike
By Mark Friedman, Random Lengths News (April 1, 2022)

Why 48,000 California Grocery Workers Have Authorized A Strike
Errol Schweizer, Forbes (March 29, 2022)

Grocery Store Workers Vote to Call a Strike
By HEWS Media Group (March 29, 2022)

Grocery store workers in Southern California to vote on possible strike
By Linda Rios, Kevin Martinez, WSWS (March 21, 2022)

Will Orange County’s Grocery Workers Strike? Union Claims Unfair Labor Practices
By Hosam Elattar, Voice of OC (March 18, 2022)

Los Angeles Grocery Store Workers Vote to Authorize Strike
By HEWS Media Group (March 10, 2022)

Preparan huelga en cadenas de supermercados
Redacción/ Adelante Valle (March 10, 2022)

4 things to know about Kroger as it returns to San Antonio
By Richard Webner, San Antonio Express-News (March 8, 2022)

Are Unhoused People Likely To Benefit From Biden’s Job Growth Plans?
By Ethan Ward, LAist (March 4, 2022)

Grocery Store Contract Talks
By KTLA TV Los Angeles (March 1, 2022)

Grocery Workers Rally
By KFI AM Los Angeles (March 1, 2022)

Grocery workers rally for higher pay, more staffing, better COVID-19 safeguards
By Kevin Smith, Orange County Register (February 28, 2022)

Southern California grocery workers rally for increased pay, staffing
By Brandon Richardson, Long Beach Business Journal (February 28, 2022)

Grocery Workers Rally at Vons in Tustin
By KPCC Radio Los Angeles (February 28, 2022)

Grocery Workers Rally
By CBS News, KCAL 9 Los Angeles (February 28, 2022)

Grocery Workers Rally
By Spectrum News 1 Los Angeles (February 28, 2022)

Strikes absolutely work and the one at King Soopers proves it
By Ken Bonetti, Boulder Daily Camera (February 24, 2022)

Kroger workers struggle to afford food and housing
Lisa McCree, LA Times Today (February 16, 2022)

Kroger booms; not us, say workers
By Arkansas-Democrat Gazette (February 15, 2022)

Business Booms at Kroger-Owned Grocery Stores, but Workers Are Left Behind
By Sapna Maheshwari and Michael Corkery, New York Times (February 12, 2022)

Workers Reveal What It’s Really Like To Work At Kroger
By Naveena Vijayan, Mashed (February 11, 2022)

Job training and placement: Crucial to helping LA homeless
By Jennifer Hark Dietz and Erika Hartman, Capitol Weekly (February 9, 2022)

Recent Study Reveals Sad Fact About Grocery Workers And Food Insecurity
By Hope Ngo, Tasting Table (February 8, 2022)

Idaho grocery worker union rep. says, ‘There’s no labor shortage, there’s a pay shortage.’
By George Prentice, Boise State Public Radio News (February 8, 2022)

A new study reveals that many of the region’s grocery workers are near the bottom of the food chain
By George Prentice, Boise State Public Radio News NPR (February 7, 2022)

A pesar de la escasez de mano de obra, los trabajadores ven pocas ganancias en seguridad económica
By Noam Scheiber, Chicago Tribune (February 4, 2022)

Los Angeles officials demolish a homeless camp near SoFi Stadium ahead of the Super Bowl
By Malihe Razazan, KALW Public Media (February 4, 2022)

Amazon ya es tu jefe, tu supermercado, tu televisión y tu Internet. Ahora quiere ser también tu colegio
By Albert Sanchis, Magnet (February 4, 2022)

Despite Labor Shortages, Workers See Few Gains in Economic Security
By Noam Scheiber, New York Times (February 3, 2022)

US Economy: Part-Time Workers Struggling To Pay Expenses Despite Worker Shortage
By Maggie Valenti, International Business Times (February 3, 2022)

Will the Great Resignation also lift up food and ag workers?
By Theresa Lieb, GreenBiz (February 3, 2022)

Homelessness is on the rise in Wicomico. Two housing solutions on horizon
By Delmarva Daily Times (February 3, 2022)

Why Most Kroger Workers Are Food Insecure
By Peter Dreier, The American Prospect (February 1, 2022)

How Kroger Is Using DC Spin Doctors to Fight Their Unionized Workers
By Andrew Perez, Jacobin (January 28, 2022)

Western workers fight for better conditions
By Ellice Lueders, High Country News (January 27, 2022)

Una escuela en California tiene “un santuario” para clases antisindicales de Amazon
By El Tiempo Latino (January 27, 2022)

Amerikas nya klasskrig
By Nyhetsbanken (January 27, 2022)

Abigail Disney says Disneyland has a ‘moral obligation’ to lead the change in corporate treatment of employees
By Julie Tremaine, MSN (January 26, 2022)

Amazon Paid for a High School Course. Here’s What They Teach.
By Aaron Gordon and Lauren Kaori Gurley, Vice News (January 26, 2022)

How You Can Support L.A.’s Street Vendors Right Now
By Patricia Escárcega, KCET (January 25, 2022)

Strike-ending contract nets some Denver grocery workers a $5 raise
By Amanda Pampuro, Courthouse News (January 25, 2022)

‘Strikes Absolutely Work’: Kroger Workers Win New Contract
By Kenny Stancil, Common Dreams (January 25, 2022)

Meet a mom of 2 who became homeless while working for the biggest grocery chain in the US: ‘Kroger doesn’t care about us.’
By Jason Lalljee, Business Insider (January 24, 2022)

A Guerra de Classes dos Estados Unidos da América
By Brasil 247 (January 24, 2022)

With Friday’s deal, King Soopers labor dispute now in workers’ hands
By Judith Kohler, The Denver Post (January 22, 2022)

Denver-area grocery workers return to work after 9-day strike ends
By Amanda Pampuro, Courthouse News Service (January 21, 2022)

Why they walked out: King Soopers workers on life on the margins
By Sam Tabachnik, The Denver Post (January 21, 2022)

Kroger workers’ strike in Colorado ends after 10 days, tentative deal reached
By Maura Barrett, NBC News (January 21, 2022)

Colorado Workers’ Strike Ends as Union Reaches Tentative Agreement With Kroger
By Sharon Zhang, Truthout (January 21, 2022)

Sanders Backs Kroger Workers Striking Over ‘Corporate Greed’
By Jake Johnson, Common Dreams (January 21, 2022)

Workers Describe Life At Colorado Grocery Giant
By Kevin Colleran, Vertical Lobby (January 21, 2022)

Food Workers Are Struggling to Put Food on Their Tables
By Stephanie Brown, Very Well Health (January 21, 2022)

Why they walked out: King Soopers workers on life on the margins
By USA Latest News (January 21, 2022)

‘Massive anxiety’: 75% of workers at huge grocer struggling to make ends meet
By Art Moore, WND (January 20, 2022)

People With Full-Time Jobs Are Struggling To Find Housing In Southern California
By Ethan Ward, LAist (January 20, 2022)

Why the King Soopers strike matters
By Dave Anderson, Boulder Weekly (January 20, 2022)

Support the King Soopers strikers
By Katherine Schaff, The Denver Post (January 20, 2022)

La nueva guerra de clases de Estados Unidos
By Adel Ruíz, Nueva Revolución (January 20, 2022)

Sanders Stands with Over 8,000 Striking Kroger Workers and Demands Grocery Chain Reach a Fair Agreement
By Bernie Sanders, Press Release (January 20, 2022)

Fred Meyer, QFC workers struggle in Washington to make ends meet, new report shows
By David Gutman, The Seattle Times (January 19, 2022)

Ralphs, Food 4 Less workers aren’t earning a living wage, report says
By Kevin Smith, The Orange County Register (January 19, 2022)

Why Is Food Insecurity So Widespread In The Grocery Industry?
By Errol Schweizer, Forbes (January 19, 2022)

Dos de cada tres trabajadores de Kroger batallan para pagar alimentos y vivienda, según una encuesta
By Jamie Ding, Los Angeles Times (January 19, 2022)

Trabajadores de Kroger batallan para pagar alimentos y vivienda
By Eudomar Chacón Hernández, América Retail (January 19, 2022)

Centennial King Soopers workers take part in strike
By Ellis Arnold, Colorado Community Media (January 18, 2022)

More Than 8,000 Kroger Grocery Workers Strike in Colorado
By Julia Conley, Wall Street Window (January 18, 2022)

The workers are on the march – America’s new class war
By Chris Hedges, ScheerPost (January 18, 2022)

Survey Unveils Kroger Workers’ Struggles to Afford Food and Housing
By Victor Omondi, Your Black World (January 18, 2022)

Labor dispute continues as King Soopers, union remain at bargaining table
By Judith Kohler, The Denver Post (January 17, 2022)

Kroger Employees Struggle With High Cost of Living
By Katharina Buchholz, Statista (January 17, 2022)

Striking Kroger workers in Colorado take on industry giant
By Natalia Marques, Peoples Dispatch (January 17, 2022)

Striking King Soopers workers demand higher pay, citing COVID-19 risks
By Khristopher J. Brooks, CBS MoneyWatch (January 14, 2022)

A mass strike of grocery workers in Colorado compounds retail’s pandemic travails
By Adeel Hassan, New York Times (January 14, 2022)

Kroger workers experienced hunger, homelessness, and couldn’t pay their rent in 2021. Its CEO made $22 million the previous year.
By Jason Lalljee, Business Insider (January 14, 2022)

Kroger employees are surrounded by food at work — but many struggle to afford food and rent, says a survey of 10,200 workers
By Meera Jagannathan, Market Watch (January 14, 2022)

Survey says 63% of Kroger workers can’t cover basic monthly expenses
By Dan Monk, WCPO 9 Cincinnati (January 14, 2022)

Workers Are Paying the Price for Kroger’s Profits
By Kim Kelly, The Nation (Jaunary 14, 2022)

8,000 King Soopers Employees Begin 3-Week Strike in Protest of Unfair Labor Practices
By Julia Peterman, Whole Foods Magazine (January 14, 2022)

Kroger employees are surrounded by food at work – but many struggle to pay for food and rent, survey of 10,200 workers finds
By Canada Express News (January 14, 2022)

New report reveals workers for company that owns Food 4 Less struggle to afford healthy food
By Sacramento News & Review (January 14, 2022)

More than 8,000 Kroger grocery workers strike in Colorado
By Julia Conley, Nation of Change (January 14, 2022)

75% of Kroger Workers Meet Definition of ‘Food Insecure,’ 14% Have Been Homeless in Last Year, According to New Report
By Maija Zummo, Cleveland Scene (January 14, 2022)

1 in 7 Kroger Workers Experienced Homelessness, Many Are Food Insecure
By Ola, TMZ (January 14, 2022)

Belabored: Dangerous Work
By Sarah Jaffe and Michelle Chen, Dissent (January 14, 2022)

Grocery braces for strike over pay, safety
By Stephen K. Hirst, The Colorado Springs Business Journal (January 14, 2022)

63% of Kroger employees can’t cover basic expenses
By Colorado News (January 14, 2022)

Kroger Workers Start a 3 Week Strike; Shares Fall
By Sheryl Sheth, Smarter Analyst (January 13, 2022)

Survey: 78% of Kroger workers are food insecure
By The Stand (January 13, 2022)

Grocery Workers Go On Strike Across Denver Area
By Samuel, Quick Telecast (January 13, 2022)

Homeless and Skipping Meals: Kroger Employee Survey Reveals Shocking Wages, Conditions
By Nick Mordowanec, Newsweek (January 13, 2022)

Majority of Kroger workers struggle with food, housing insecurity, report says
By Brandon Richardson, Long Beach Business Journal (January 13, 2022)

Washington grocery workers ‘begging’ for more hours as wages don’t keep up with bills
By Rubydeluna Ruby de Luna and Katie Campbell Katie Campbell, KUOW National Public Radio (January 13, 2022)

8,400 Kroger workers strike as employees reportedly can’t afford groceries
By Ben Kesslen, New York Post (January 13, 2022)

8,400 trabajadores de los supermercados King Soopers, propiedad de Kroger, se van a huelga pidiendo más sueldo y beneficios
By Raúl Rodríguez Cota, El Diario NY (January 13, 2022)

‘We have people living out of their cars’: 8,000 Kroger workers strike over wages
By Michael Sainato, The Guardian (January 13, 2022)

Disturbing New Report Shows Dire Conditions For Grocery Workers
By Hamilton Nolan, Workplace Fairness (January 13, 2022)

‘The companies were thriving, but our workers didn’t thrive’: Colorado grocery workers strike
By Laura Clawson, Daily Kos Labor (January 13, 2022)

Kroger lambasts striking workers
By Justin Joffe, PR Daily (January 13, 2022)

By Jordan Zakarin, More Perfect Union (January 13, 2022)

Kroger employee survey reveals shocking wages, conditions
by Amelia, Greeley Tribune (January 13, 2022 )

‘Great Resignation is real’: Thousands of Kroger grocery workers strike in Colorado
By Amanda Pampuro, Courthouse News Service (January 13, 2022)

Kroger workers strike as employees can’t afford groceries: report
By Devon Bell, Sports Grind Entertainment ( January 13, 2022)

Kroger Employee Survey Reveals Shocking Wages and Conditions for the Homeless and Those Who Skip Meals
By Jeff Salle, Ceng News (January 13, 2022)

Kroger employee survey reveals shocking wages and conditions
By Spraguer (January 13, 2022)

The majority of Kroger workers suffer from food and housing insecurity, the report said. – Long Beach, California
By Eminetra Long Beach (January 13, 2022)

Kroger’s King Soopers strike could continue for weeks
By Alayna Alvarez, Axios Denver (January 13, 2022)

8,400 Kroger Workers Go on Strike as Study Highlights Economic Plight of Grocery Workers
By Democracy Now (January 13, 2022)

Hero strike
By Judd Legum and Tesnim Zekeria, Popular Information (January 13, 2022)

The Importance of Empowering Employees
By Aman Kidwai, Fortune (January 12, 2022)

At a subsidiary of a $4-billion corporation, these low-wage workers are striking for better pay
By Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times (January 12, 2022)

Why Are Denver Kroger Workers On Strike?
By Errol Schweizer, Forbes (January 12, 2022)

Two-thirds of Kroger workers struggle with food, housing costs: survey
By Monique Beals, The Hill (January 12, 2022)

75% Of Kroger Workers Are ‘Food Insecure,’ According To New Report
By Maija Zummo, LEO Weekly (January 12, 2022)

Report shows most Kroger grocery workers struggle to afford food
By Gee and Ursula Show, My Northwest (January 12, 2022)

Thousands of unionized workers at Kroger subsidiaries in Colorado just went on strike
By Erin Cabrey, Retail Brew (January 12, 2022)

Report finds two-thirds of Kroger workers can’t afford basic needs
By David Mendez, Spectrum News 1 (January 11, 2022)

A Horrifying Report Shows the Miserable Working Conditions at Kroger
By Alex N. Press, Jacobin (Januatry 12, 2022)

King Soopers Workers in Colorado Strike, Union Rejects Sweetened Offer
By Lynn Petrak, Progressive Grocer (January 12, 2022)

Adrenaline and Hope Running High: 8,000 King Soopers Workers Strike In Denver Metro
By Ellie Sullum, 303 Magazine (January 12, 2022)

By Breitbart News Network (January 11, 2022)

2 out of 3 Kroger workers struggle to afford food and housing, survey finds
By Jamie Ding, Los Angeles Times (January 11, 2022)

Report finds high prevalence of food, housing insecurity in Kroger employees
By Seth Klamann, The Denver Gazette (January 11, 2022)

Union gives King Soopers’ “last, best” deal thumbs down; both sides brace for strike
By Judith Kohler, The Denver Post (January 11, 2022)

$14.25/hour, can’t pay bills: Grocery workers report low morale and income
By Danielle Chiriguayo, KCRW Public Radio (January 11, 2022)

Many Grocery Workers Can’t Make Ends Meet Two Years Into The Pandemic
By Albert Samaha, BuzzFeed (January 11, 2022)

75% of Kroger Workers Meet Definition of ‘Food Insecure,’ According to New Report
By Maija Zummo, Cincinnati CityBeat (January 11, 2022)

New Report Reveals Kroger Grocery Workers Struggle to Afford Healthy Food
By Bobbi Murray, Capital & Main (January 11, 2022)

Kroger workers survey reveals economic hardship, food insecurity
By Rich Klein, UPI (January 11, 2022)

Disturbing New Report Shows Dire Conditions For Grocery Workers
By Hamilton Nolan, In These Times (January 11, 2022)

Economic hardship and food insecurity are revealed in a poll of Kroger employees
By Alex Silman, Nokia News (January 11, 2022)

Study Highlights Food, Housing Issues Faced By Kroger Workers
By Morning NewsBeat (January 11, 2022)

Kroger workers survey reveals economic hardship, food insecurity
By MarketScreener (January 11, 2022)

How Gov. Gavin Newsom Plans To Spend $2 Billion To Help Unhoused Californians
By Ethan Ward, LAist (January 11, 2022)

Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count resumes in Westwood, seeks volunteers
By Kurtis Yan, Daily Bruin (January 6, 2022)

New Long Beach City College president helps students overcome obstacles
By Michael Burke, EdSource (December 21, 2021)

Will L.A.’s 2028 Olympic Agreement Address Homelessness and Jobs?
By Bobbi Murray, Capital & Main (November 5, 2021)

California judge dismisses Disneyland minimum wage lawsuit
By Lucas Manfredi, Fox Business (November 4, 2021)

25,000 cast members sued Disneyland for living wages. The court dismissed the suit.
Julie Tremaine, SFGATE (November 3, 2021)

Disneyland Ticket Prices Increase Yet Again. When Will Employees Get A Boost?
By Claire Schad, New University (November 7, 2021)

Long Beach City College Will Let Students Sleep In The Parking Garage Overnight
By Collin Woodard, Jalopnik (November 7, 2021)

15 parking spaces at Long Beach City College to be reserved for homeless students
By Colleen Shalby, Los Angeles Times (November 3, 2021)

John Oliver critiques Bay Area in latest segment on homelessness crisis
By Amanda Bartlett, SFGATE (November 1, 2021)

By John Oliver, Last Week Tonight (October 31, 2021)

Research on Homelessness, Racial Equity During Covid Presented at PSU-OHSU Symposium
By Stefanie Knowlton, Portland State University (October 25, 2021)

Inland warehouse workers look to a sustainable, equitable future
By Deepa Bharath, Orange County Register (October 18, 2021)

The Quest to Green an Empire of Mega-Warehouses
By Patrick Sisson, Bloomberg CityLab (June 14, 2021)

Homelessness is biggest issue facing Los Angeles, residents say, and it’s projected to get worse
By Tami Abdollah, USA Today (October 7, 2021)

Over One Million Angelenos Face Eviction as Moratorium Expires
By Alice Sun, The Epoch Times (September 24, 2021)

25,000 employees are suing Disneyland (September 20, 2021)

LA must govern vending with respect
By Álvarado Huerta, Victor Narro and Doug Smith, Bangkok Post (August 7, 2021)

Judge grants class-action status in workers’ lawsuit against Disneyland
By Ben Brazil, Los Angeles Times (July 21, 2021)

Lawsuit Against Disney Granted Class-Action Status
By Krysten Swensen, Inside the Magic (July 23, 2021)

How Los Angeles Can Govern Street Vending with the Respect It Deserves
by Álvaro Huerta, Victor Narro and Doug Smith, Zócalo Public Square (July 14, 2021)

Giving new life to deserted parking garages
By Wes Guckert, Smart Cities (July 7, 2021)

Los Angeles cracks down on homeless tent cities: City Council to ban camping near schools and parks – and people can’t take over sidewalks – as new pictures reveal scale of the crisis
By Gina Martinez, Daily Mail (July 1, 2021)

Los Angeles City Council votes on substitute motion restricting homeless encampments public areas
By Isabella Khademhosseini, Texas News Today (July 1, 2021)

The Fight Against Homelessness in California Is Just Beginning
By Sasha Abramsky, The Nation (June 25, 2021)

Fires in LA, a Tiny Solution for Big Problem
By Paige Olexa, Scriberr (June 25, 2021)

After 4 years and millions spend, Tacoma’s homeless crisis persists. So what now?
By Drew Perine, Tacoma News Tribune (June 10, 2021)

Amazon seeks to build a distribution center in San Clemente
By Meghann M. Cuniff, Daily Pilot (June 9, 2021)

Long Beach council to seek greater protections for street vendors
By Sebastian Echeverry, Long Beach Post (June 9, 2021)

The COVID-19 emergency is far from over for vulnerable renters
By David L. Ulin, Los Angeles Times (June 4, 2021)

L.A. Unemployment Rate Is Nearly Double National Number As Homelessness, Housing Prices Hit Record Highs
By Tom Tapp, Deadline (May 25, 2021)

Los Angeles Unemployment Rate Is Nearly Double The National Number
By Sarah Williams, Talesbuzz (May 25, 2021)

Venice’s world-famous beach and boardwalk have been ‘crippled’ by HUGE increase in robberies and a homeless camp has resulted in spikes in shootings, arson and even DOG attacks, say locals
By Bevan Hurley and Holden Walter-Warner, Daily Mail (May 8, 2021)

How The Pandemic Forced A Youth Homeless Shelter In Colorado To Adapt
By Stephanie Serrano, KUNM Mountain West News Bureau, April 29, 2021

Dr. Drew Pinsky Responds to Advocates Who Opposed Nomination to LA Homeless Commission
By Carly Mayberry, Newsweek (April 20, 2021)

Republican Withdraws Dr. Drew’s Nomination To Los Angeles Homeless Commission After Progressive Pushback
By Jeffrey Cawood, Daily Wire (April 20, 2021)

Is Los Angeles’ Sweep of a Homeless Encampment the Wave of the Future?
By Jack Ross, Capital and Main (April 16, 2021)

Etats-Unis : 5 milliards de dollars d’aides pour le logement et les sans-abri
By Isabelle Hanne, Libération (April 9, 2021)

Cuyahoga County Is Using Alternative Methods For Housing The Homeless
By Marcia Pledger, Cleveland Magazine (April 8, 2021)

‘I’m not sure where we go from here’: pandemic fuels rise in US homelessness
By Michael Sainato, The Guardian (March 25, 2021)

The American Rescue Plan needs a long-term plan for homeless families
By Larry Seamans, Kate Barrand and Danielle Ferrier, Boston Globe (April 12, 2021)

Social workers need assistance as they help rebuild a post-COVID world
By Angelo McClain, The Columbus Dispatch (April 5, 2021)

California homeless crisis explodes, considered ‘catastrophic’ by experts
By Christina Aguayo, News Net (April 1, 2021)

Delray Beach company challenges corporate culture amid a ‘pandemic recession’
By Arthur Mondale, WPTV 5 West Palm Beach (April 6, 2021)

Amazon triples Southern California warehouse network to deliver packages faster
By Jeff Collins, Orange County Register (March 26, 2021)

Pandemic: American Dream to Nightmare for Growing Homeless Population
St Kitts & Nevis Observer (March 29, 2021)

Mariachi Community Counting On COVID Vaccine To Save Livelihood
Monrovia Weekly (March 24, 2021)

COVID-19 homelessness is a public health problem — it’s about to get worse
By Lyndon Haviland, The Hill (March 22, 2021)

Girl Scout troop gives girls without homes moments of normalcy
By Alexa Liacko, Fox 13 Salt Lake City (March 19, 2021)

Inside the COVID-19 recession, one of the most unequal in modern history
By Scott Pelley, 60 Minutes CBS News (March 7, 2021)

Corona raakt de latinogemeenschap in Los Angeles ongekend hard
By Mari Meyer, Trouw (March 4, 2021)

Identifying homeless eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations
By Sylvester Brown, The St. Louis American (March 1, 2021)

Homeless People Losing Their Lives in Excess – Homeless Deaths in Los Angeles Rose by More than 30% in 2020
By Jessica Goodheart, LA Progressive (February 7, 2021)

Mapping Los Angeles’s Unequal Covid-19 Surge
By Jill Cowan, New York Times (February 1, 2021)

Citing increases in homeless, Norwalk may ask federal judge for right to enforce anti-camping laws
By Mike Sprague, Whittier Daily News (February 18, 2021)

How an Employment Social Enterprise Can Help Address Homelessness
By Mark Loranger, C-Suite Quarterly (February 9, 2021)

Aus der Traum
By Michaela Haas, Zeit (February 5, 2021)

In L.A., the Virus Is Pummeling Those Who Can Least Afford to Fall Ill
By Jill Cowan and Matthew Bloch, New York Times (January 29, 2021)

COVID-19 could devastate the homeless. How will America pick up the pieces?
Suzette Hackney, USA Today (January 30, 2021)

LA housing officials paid more than Cabinet secretaries as city sees spike in homeless population
By Carly Ortiz-Lytle, Washington Examiner (January 31, 2021)

COVID: Destroying Jobs and Increasing Homelessness
By Mike Bonin, What’s Next, Los Angeles? (January 24, 2021)

COVID-19 job losses will worsen L.A. homelessness by 2023, new report says
By Doug Smith, Los Angeles Times (January 12, 2021)

Biden has big plans for homelessness — but will it help Seattle?
By Scott Greenstone, The Seattle Times (January 21, 2021)

How much will homelessness rise? Grim study shows possible ‘impact of doing nothing,’ researchers say
By Scott Greenstone, Seattle Times (January 12, 2021)

Study: LA County’s low-wage, part-time workers will be hardest hit by homelessness, COVID recession
By Elizabeth Chou, Los Angeles Daily News (January 12, 2021)

Stories of Crows and People – If we know how we dig holes in the world, maybe we won’t fall in so often
By Ira Rabois, The Good Men Project (February 7, 2021)

En Los Ángeles, el virus impacta a aquellos que menos pueden enfermarse
By Newsroom, Infobae (February 3, 2021)

COVID-19 could devastate the homeless. How will America pick up the pieces?
Suzette Hackney, AZCentral (February 5, 2021)

Morning Brief: Another Attempt To House The Homeless Follows Years Of False Starts
The LAist (February 4, 2021)

Bedrosian Center: Economic Roundtable’s Locked Out Report – Full Video and Highlights
By Aubrey L. Hicks, USC Bedrosian Center (January 22, 2021)

Pandemic job losses could fuel a rise in homelessness for years
By Camille Squires, City Monitor (January 22, 2021)

LA’s New Housing Element Another Big Bamboozle?
By Dick Platkin, LA Progressive (January 22, 2021)

Big Bamboozle #2 – How LA Hopes to Extend a Real Estate Boom and Hold off its Eventual Bust
By Dick Platkin, City Watch LA (January 21, 2021)

Pandemic-Driven Homelessness Will Double That Of The Great Recession, Analysis Finds
By Stephanie Serrano, Wyoming Public Radio (January 22, 2021)

Seattle Chinese Times (January 25, 2021)

Shoot Me Up, Scotty… Part Four
by Bill Hudson, Pagosa Daily Post (January 21, 2021)

Report: Pandemic could double number of homeless individuals nationally
By Gee and Ursula Show, My Northwest (January 21, 2021)

LA’s New Housing Element Another Big Bamboozle?
By Dick Platkin, LA Progressive (January 19, 2021)

New Study: Dramatic Rise in Homelessness Expected Due to Pandemic Recession, L.A. County is projected to see an 86% increase in chronic homelessness by 2023
By Jessica Goodheart, Capital & Main (January 12, 2021)

‘Catastrophic:’ Chronic homelessness in LA County expected to skyrocket by 86% in next 4 years
By Rob Hayes, ABC7 Eyewitness News (January 12, 2021)

COVID-19 job losses will worsen L.A. homelessness by 2023, report finds
By KTLA 5 News (January 12, 2021)

COVID-19 will cause twice as much homelessness as Great Recession, researchers say
By Jacob Passy, MarketWatch (January 13, 2021)

Pandemic could cause twice as much homelessness as the Great Recession
By Samantha Fields, Marketplace (January 14, 2021)

The pandemic recession could cause an enormous spike in homelessness
By Jessica Goodheart, Fast Company (January 14, 2021)

LA Councilman Proposes Construction Of 25,000 Housing Units To Ease Homelessness
By KCAL 9 CBS Los Angeles (January 12, 2021)

¿Cuánto aumentará la población sin techo?
By Scott Greenstone, Chicago Tribune (January 13, 2021)

Californians Tell Gov. Newsom: Renters and Landlords Need $5 Billion – Statewide Ad Campaign Launched
By Business Wire (January 13, 2021)

Bonin, Raman Motion To Replace Encampment Cleanups – Two LA City Council members introduced a motion Tuesday to stop the city’s mandatory cleanups of homeless encampments and replace them
By Nicole Charky, Patch (January 12, 2021)

For Renters, the COVID-19 Pandemic May Be A Long-Term Economic Disaster
By Patrick Range McDonald, CityWatch (January 14, 2021)

Job losses from COVID-19 are expected to lead to an increase in homelessness in Los Angeles
By Steven Sharp, Urbanize Los Angeles (January 13, 2021)

Utah’s COVID-19 Positivity Rate, Pandemic Homelessness & Healthcare Worker Stress
By Stephanie Serrano, KURN NPR Utah (January 12, 2021)

COVID-19 will cause twice as much homelessness as Great Recession, researchers say
By WMRE Staff, Wealth (January 13, 2021)

COVID Job Losses To Worsen L.A. Homelessness By 2023
California Healthline (January 12, 2021)

How much will homelessness rise? Grim study shows possible ‘impact of doing nothing,’ researchers say
By Scott Greenstone, Rome News-Tribune (January 13, 2021)

North Texas Man Gives Hundreds of Sleeping Bags to People Experiencing Homelessness
By Brian Scott, Spectrum News 1, Dallas Texas (January 19, 2021)

Is there a Better Way to Collect Data on Homelessness?
By Max Reyes and Kriston Capps, Bloomberg CityLab (January 22, 2021)

Housing program for South Bay veterans marks milestone
By Lorraine Gabbert, San Jose Spotlight (December 2, 2020)

By Kimberly Rivers, Ventura County Reporter (December 2, 2020)

People Are About to be Pushed into Homelessness on a Large Scale
By Ananya Roy and Jonny Coleman, The Appeal (July 17, 2020)

Amazon Delivery Drivers Are Overwhelmed and Overworked by Covid-19 Surge
By Lauren Kaori Gurley, Vice Media Group (July 1, 2020)

Annual deaths rising in Santa Clara County’s homeless population
By Keith Burbank, Bay City News Foundation (June 21, 2020)

Short, hard lives for homeless people in Santa Clara County
By Keith Burbank, Local News Matters (June 15, 2020)

Study projects homelessness will rise 45% in just one year due to coronavirus unemployment
By Igor Derysh, Salon (May 23, 2020)

Mass unemployment over coronavirus could lead to a 45% jump in homelessness, study finds
By Benjamin Oreskes, Los Angeles Times (May 14, 2020)

Who Is Likely to Become Unemployed?
By Jill Cowan, New York Times (April 16, 2020)

Over 40% of California’s Workers Face Unemployment Risk, New Study Finds
By Michelle Wiley, KQED (April 17, 2020)

More Than Meets the Eye: A Look at the Affordable Housing Crisis
By Visud Chang and Diana Michaelson, C-SPAN (January 20, 2020)

US job losses surge, April unemployment claims highest ever recorded
By Tom Vacar, KTVU Channel 2 News San Francisco/Oakland/San Jose (April 16, 2020)

The rent is due, call 911
By Ethan Ward, Crosstown (April 20, 2020)

These Bay Area counties have the lowest share of workers in jobs at risk for unemployment
By Leonardo Castañeda, Bay Area News Group (April 24, 2020)

Marin layoffs mount as pandemic damages economy
By Richard Halstead, Marin Independent Journal (April 25, 2020)

Will The Economy Recover Swiftly? Some Economists Predict It Will Be A Slow Road
Kaiser Health News (April 20. 2020)

One month after coronavirus shutdown, Sonoma County looks forward to future
Julie Johnson, The Press Democrat and Argus Courier (April 20, 2020)

Economy becomes mixed-bag in Inland Empire amid coronavirus pandemic
By Rob McMillan, Eyewitness News ABC 7  (Tuesday, April 14, 2020)

Economic Pain and Frustration Grow in Orange County Under Stay Home Orders
By Spencer Custodil, Voice of OC (April 17, 2020)

Economic impact hits Redlands area hard
By Alejandro Cano, Redlands Community News (April 14, 2020)

Coronavirus: 42% of Orange County jobs in industries at high-risk of layoffs
By Jonathan Lansner, Orange County Register

Coronavirus layoffs: 49% of jobs in San Bernardino County industries at risk
The San Bernardino Sun (April 13, 2020)

Workers at high risk of unemployment in the COVID-19 pandemic
Reporters Desk, Random Lengths News (April 13, 2020)

Coronavirus Puts Nearly Half Of LA Workers At Risk Of Losing Their Jobs
By David Wagner, LAist (April 10, 2020)

Without Rent Forgiveness, Experts Say Homelessness Will Just Get Worse
By Matt Tinoco, LAist ( April 7, 2020)

Amazon’s largest warehouse hub has a coronavirus case. Workers say changes need to be made
By April Glaser and David Ingram, NBC News (March 26, 2020)

Plotting A Path To Regional Economic Recovery
By The Jefferson Radio Team, Jefferson Public Radio (April 10, 2020)

California faces two years of high unemployment from coronavirus
By Margot Roosevelt, Los Angeles Times (April 10, 2020)

Amazon Announces Massive Hiring Spree As Experts Predict Flagship Prime Delivery Service Will Falter
The Daily Hodl (March 18, 2020)

USA: Amazon ist zum größten Online-Händler der Welt geworden
By Christiane Meier, Weltspiegel – ARD | Das Erste (January 26, 2020)

Activists Build a Grass-Roots Alliance Against Amazon
By David Streitfeld, New York Times (November 26, 2019)

Amazon Prime Will Falter During Coronavirus Crisis, Experts Say
By Lauren Kaori Gurley, Vice Motherboard (March 14 2020)

Over 100 Residents of California’s Inland Empire Occupy Amazon Developer’s Offices
By Lauren Kaori Gurley, Vice Motherboard (January 23, 2020)

Amazon’s impact on workers and the environment
By Madeleine Brand, KCRW Press Play (November 27, 2019)

Here’s what Amazon promised Utah in 2019 and what it has delivered
By Clara Hatcher, The Salt Lake Tribune (January 08, 2020)

Fighting for survival: A veteran’s take on homelessness
By Lauren Romero, The Seattle Times (December 13, 2019)

Disney Sued by Labor Union for Failing to Pay Living Wage: Employees Have to ‘Live in Their Cars’
By Tarpley Hitt, The Daily Beast (December 11, 2019)

Amazon has too much power over our economy: activist
By Nick Rose, Yahoo Finance (November 29, 2019)

Black Friday protesters hit back with ‘Buy Nothing Day’
By Kristin Myers, Yahoo Finance (November 29, 2019)

Black Friday Amazon deals’ costs: Workers’ health, climate change and your own taxes
By Michelle Chen, NBC News, Think (November 29, 2019)

Author of scathing report about Amazon’s impact on its warehouse communities wants Central New York to ‘be aware’
By Andrew Donovan, ABC 9, WSYR-TV, Syracuse, N.Y. (November 27, 2019)

Criticism mounts as ‘peak’ season for Amazon arrives
By Benjamin Romano, Seattle Times (December 1, 2019)

Meet the massive coalition vowing to end Amazon’s ‘powerful grip over our society’
By Arianne Cohen, Fast Company (November 26, 2019)

Amazon pushes back against accusations its warehouses harm the communities that house them
By Evie Fordham, Fox Business News (November 27, 2019)

A new group thinks Amazon is ‘too big to govern’ and wants to lead the resistance
By Juliana Feliciano Reyes, Chicago Tribune (November 27, 2019)

A Roof Is Only the Beginning
By Michelle Chen, The Nation (December 23, 2019)

LA city council making life harder for food vendors
By Evie Fordham, Fox Business News (December 12, 2019)

Street Vendors Left Confused As Los Angeles Changes Regulations On Street Vendors
By Javier Rojas, Mitú (January 8, 2020)

$541 a Year for a Street Vendor Permit is Too Much
Alvaro Huerta, L.A. Taco (December 9, 2019)

Risky Business: Selling Tacos on the Street
By Kimberly Silverio-Bautista, The Sundial (September 6, 2019)

California could benefit from copying Chicago’s homeless prevention plan
By David Wagner, KPCC, The California Dream (December 7, 2019)

The anti-Amazon movement is gaining steam. Will Black Friday shoppers care?
By Maya Shwayder, Digital Trends (November 27, 2019)

New report suggests Amazon makes some changes before Central New York might want its warehouse
By Andrew Donovan, ABC7 Nexstar Broadcasting (November 26, 2019)

Athena vs. Amazon: New Coalition Debuts on Eve of Holiday Shopping Season to Call Out Company’s “Long Line of Abuses”
By Eoin Higgins, Common Dreams (November 26, 2019)

New Report Outlines Amazon’s Environmental, Labor Damages
By Dees Stribling, Bisnow (November 26, 2019

What Is Amazon Doing To Communities? Report Looks At Tech Giant’s Impact On Los Angeles Area
By Marcy Kreiter, International Business Times (November 26, 2019)

Amazon Abuses Workers and the Climate—Because It Can
By Sonali Kolhatkar, Truth Dig (December 5, 2019)

Amazon’s Bringing More Jobs – And Questions About Its Economic Benefits – To Utah
By John Reed, National Public Radio, KUER Utah (December 4, 2019)

Amazon’s 1-Day Free Shipping Might Do More Harm Than Good. Here’s Why
By Al Root, Barron’s (December 2, 2019)

Criticism increases as the peak season for Amazon arrives
By James Lew, The Media HQ (December 3, 2019)

The Amazon behemoth and its would-be grassroots David
By David Streitfeld, The Philadelphia Tribune (November 28, 2019)

Amazon workers’ injuries spike during holiday season at Illinois facility
By Curtis Black, The Chicago Reporter (December 10, 2019)

Grassroots Opposition to Amazon Coalescing as Groups Protest Working Conditions, Environmental Damage
By Ian Corbin, Karma (November 27, 2019)

Activists take aim at Amazon with new coalition
Business Report (November 26, 2019)

Scathing Reports Document Worker Abuses At Amazon Warehouses Just In Time For Holiday Rush
By Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge (November 27, 2019)

Rapport: Amazon blesse les communautés où il a des entrepôts
Jambon Burst (November 27, 2019)

Dozens of activists groups form national coalition against Amazon
By Kiro Radio Staff, My Northwest (November 26, 2019)

Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) Refutes Claims Of Its Warehouses Harming Communities Housing Them
By Ryan Booth, Argus Journal (November 29, 2019)

Happy? Holidays! Worker injuries spike at Amazon warehouses seasonally, data shows
By Molly Wood, Marketplace Tech (December 3, 2019)

Politico Playbook: Valley Talk
Anna Palmer, Jake Sherman, Eli Okun and Garret Ross, Politico (November 26, 2019)

Scathing reports document negative impacts of Amazon warehouse model
By Linda Baker, Freight Waves (November 26, 2019)

Today’s News & Commentary — November 27, 2019
OnLabor (November 27, 2019)

The effort to challenge the Amazon increasing dominance
By jamesb, Political Dog 101 (November 26, 2019)

Watch: A homelessness and housing town hall
By CalMatters (November 5, 2019)

There’s a Link Between Evictions and Homelessness
By Sean McMorris, Colorado Boulevard (November 4, 2019)

Landlords say state rent caps may force them to raise rents more frequently
By Andrew Khouri, Los Angeles Times (October 7, 2019)

Landlords, Property Owners Scramble Ahead of California’s New Rent Control
BY Greg Cornfield, Commercial Observer (October 8, 2019)

Los Angeles: Why tens of thousands of people sleep rough
By Daniel Flaming and Gary Blasi, BBC (September 19, 2019)

The surprising holes in our knowledge of America’s homeless population
By Andrew Van Dam, Washington Post, (September 17, 2019)

The $1.2 billion dollar challenge: Mitch O’Farrell
By Mitch O’Farrell, Los Angeles Daily News (July 8, 2019)

Weekly L.A. City Council Meeting Erupts After the Council Unanimously Approved an Ordinance that Criminalizes People Sleeping in their Car
By Lexis-Oliver Ray, L.A. Taco (July 31, 2019)

Two-thirds of L.A.’s homeless are trying to find work. Let’s help them
By Daniel Flaming, Los Angeles Times (June 6, 2019)

Garcetti frustrated by decades-old homeless crisis
By Bill Boyarsky, LA Observed (June 16, 2019)

Will Los Angeles’ Homelessness Spike Lead to a Course Correction?
By Jessica Goodheart, Capital & Main (June 19, 2019)

Why L.A. County’s homelessness crisis has been decades in the making
By Gale Holland, Los Angeles Times (March 5, 2019)

L.A. spent $619 million on homelessness last year. Has it made a difference?
By Gale Holland, Los Angeles Times (May 11, 2019)

Homelessness Is Getting Worse In Southern California. Here’s Why
By Matt Tinoco, LAist News (May 10, 2019)

Disney heiress Abigail Disney calls for company to “reward all of your workers fairly”
By Kate Gibson, CBS News (April 23, 2019)

Will Algorithmic Tools Help or Harm the Homeless?
By Jack Denton, Pacific Standard (April 16, 2019)

A new study says it can predict homelessness. But L.A. County doesn’t want to use it
By Doug Smith, Los Angeles Times (March 21, 2019)

LA researchers offer tools to help those likeliest to stay homeless
By Elizabeth Chou, Los Angeles Daily News (March 20, 2019)

Is LA Waiting Too Long To Help The Newly Homeless? A New Report Says Yes
Matt Tinoco, LAist (March 21, 2019)

Stopping Homelessness before It Starts
By Michelle Chen, Dissent (April 1, 2019)

Can a New Screening Tool Help Solve the Crisis of Black Homelessness?
By Jessica Goodheart, Capital & Main (March 26, 2019)

There’s a tool to predict homelessness—and L.A. County is refusing to use it
Brian Addison, Long Beach Post (March 21, 2019)

What are the most common reasons people are homeless in Seattle?
By Scott Greenstone, Seattle Times (March 18, 2019)

Predicting homelessness
Sophia Bollag, The Sacramento Bee (March 20, 2019)

Predicting who’s likely to become homeless
Anna Scott, KCRW Morning Edition (March 21, 2019)

L.A. County Rejects Screening Tool to Prevent Homelessness, Accuses Nonprofit of Misusing Records
KTLA 5 (March 21, 2019)

Predicting Homelessness
By Matt Tinoco, KPCC, (March 22, 2019)

Homelessness Crisis in Los Angeles County
Richard Foster, BBC Radio 5 Live (March 22, 2019)

Dr. Drew Midday Live
Dr. Drew Pinsky, 790 KABC (March 26, 2019, 1:00 pm)

Disneyland employees get wage increase, but it is not enough
By Nathan Kiesselbach, The Hornet (April 4, 2019)

Your Homeless Neighbors Have Probably Lived In LA Longer Than You
By Matt Tinoco, LAist (December 7, 2018)

Amazon’s HQ2 is headed to New York and Virginia with thousands of jobs. Here’s why some in L.A. are relieved
By Margot Roosevelt, Los Angeles Times (November 13, 2018)

Big data commissioned to address LA’s homelessness crisis
By Folake Dosu, Built In (November 3, 2018)

Top Minimum Wage in U.S., $19, Approved for New York’s Airport Workers
By Patrick McGeehan, New York Times (September 27, 2018)

Is L.A.’s homeless population closer to 100,000? Nonprofit offers an alternative view of the data
By Doug Smith, Los Angeles Times (September 18, 2018)

Discussing methodologies: A nonprofit estimates that LA’s homeless numbers are significantly higher than suggested by the homeless count
By Larry Mantle, Southern California Public Radio, AirTalk (September 19, 2018)

L.A. County May Have Twice As Many Homeless
By A Martínez, Southern California Public Radio, Take Two (September 20, 2018)

Housing, Homelessness and the California Dream
By Adriene Hill, The Mercury News (September 9, 2018)

Disney Could Save Millions on Wages by Giving Back Hotel Subsidy
By Gene Maddaus, Variety (August 29, 2018)
* Corrections to information attributed to the Economic Roundtable have been requested twice, but not yet published by Variety

How California’s Housing Crisis Turned Into A Homeless Crisis
By Adriene Hill, California Dream – Southern California Public Radio (August 27, 2018)

Tech experts offer skills to end homelessness
By Sophie-Marie Prime, USC Story Space (August 22, 2018)

Internet access: Essential to escaping homelessness
By Sophie-Marie Prime, USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism (August 17, 2018)

Disneyland raises hourly minimum wage for non-union workers: $13.90 then $15.75 in January
By Margot Roosevelt, Orange County Register (August 10, 2018)

Dispute Suspends Construction Of New Disney Hotel In Anaheim
KCAL 9, CBS Los Angeles (August 16, 2018)

L.A. City Council, Tenants’ Unions Want Free Lawyers for Evictions
By Chriss W. Street, Breitbart News (August 12, 2018)

Disney, unions agree on contract to raise hourly wages to $15
By Margot Roosevelt, Orange County Register (July 26, 2018)

Disneyland Resort workers approve contract that raises the minimum hourly wage to $15 by next year
By Hugo Martin, Los Angeles Times (July 26, 2018)

Disney is Giving Some Theme Park Workers a $15 Minimum Wage After Months of Union Pressure
By Natasha Bach, Fortune (July 27, 2018)

Disney to Raise Entry-Level Pay to $15 for California Park Staff
By Christopher Palmeri, Bloomberg News (July 26, 2018)

Disneyland cast members ratify new contract
By Robert Niles, Theme Park Insider (July 27, 2018)

Disneyland Workers Approve Three-Year Contract
NBC Chanel 4 (July 26, 2018)

New Disneyland, Labor Unions Contract Raises Minimum Wage to $15 an Hour
By Thy Vo, Voice of OC (July 27, 2018)

Disneyland Resort Closes Deal With Largest Labor Unions For One of the Highest Minimum Wages in the Country
Disneyland Resort Press Release (July 26, 2018)

Disneyland agrees to pay its workers $15 an hour
By Nathaniel Meyersohn, CNNMoney (July 27, 2018)

Disneyland Workers Call Off ‘Shantyland’ Protest, But The Fight Isn’t Over
By Casey Bond, Huffington Post (July 25, 2018)

Disneyland Agrees To Hourly Wage Increase For Some Union Workers
By Caitlin Baldwin, WRTV Indianapolis (July 27, 2018

More sidewalk tents, but fewer people living in them? The 2018 homeless count’s new math
By Dakota Smith and Doug Smith, Los Angeles Times (July 15, 2018)

Raising airport worker wages will help NY and NJ (Op-Ed)
By Patrick Burns, New York Daily News (June 26, 2018)

Latest minimum wage hike comes as some employers launch bidding wars for scarce workers
By Andrew Khouri, Los Angeles Times (July 1, 2018)

Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks at rally to call for higher wages for Disneyland Resort workers
By Hugo Martin, Los Angeles Times (June 2, 2018)

Bernie Sanders: Disney needs ‘moral defense’ for having hungry workers while making billions
By Luis Sanchez, The Hill (June 2, 2018)

Sen. Bernie Sanders attacks Disney a day after Trump — for different reasons
By Tucker Higgins, CNBC (June 1, 2018)

Bernie Sanders takes job-killing stands at Disney workers’ rally, critics say
By Stephen Sorace, Fox News (June 2, 2018)

Bernie Sanders barnstorms Southern California, urges wage increases for Disney, port workers
By Alicia Robinson, The Orange County Register (June 2, 2018)

“We Need to Shame Disney” Over Poverty Wages, Declares Bernie Sanders at Workers’ Rally
By Jon Queally, Common Dreams (June 2, 2018)

Sen. Bernie Sanders holds roundtable on wages with Disney workers
By Circa, ABC 13 Rochester, NY (June 2, 2018)

Bernie Sanders blasts Disney ahead of meetings with workers: ‘Employees can’t afford basic expenses’
BY Joe Difazio, Newsweek (June 1, 2018)

Bernie Sanders Calls Out Bob Iger at Disneyland Workers Protest
By Jeremy Fuster, The Wrap (June 3, 2018)

Disney’s workers: Realities, fantasies, and lessons for NL
By Conor Curtis, The Newfoundland and Labrador Independent (June 6, 2018)

US Sen. Bernie Sanders To Disneyland: ‘We’ve Got Families Struggling’
CBS Los Angeles (June 3, 2018)

Bernie Sanders rallies Disneyland employees for a $15 minimum wage
By Cory Doctorow, Boing Boing (June 3, 2018)

Disneyland’s not a happy place for Bernie Sander
KPCC 89.3 (June 1, 2018)

‘Woke Disneyland is gonna suck’! Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders fights for worker raises… in California
By Doug P., twitchy (June 2, 2018)

Disney embraces $15 minimum wage in negotiations with workers
By Jackie Wattles, CNN Money (June 3, 2018)

Disneyland Rolls Out Wage Bump Proposal for Hourly Employees
NBC 4 (May 31, 2018)

Homelessness dips in L.A. and countywide, but more people are living on the streets for the first time
By Doug Smith and Gale Holland, Los Angeles Times (May 31, 2018)

A Haven for the Homeless
By Elizabeth Segal, U.S. News & World Report (May 9, 2018)

Jobs and work support could curtail L.A.’s stubborn homeless crisis, study says
By Gale Holland, Los Angeles Times (April 24, 2018)

LA County’s homeless need more than housing to stay off the streets, report says
By Elizabeth Chou, Los Angeles Daily News (April 25, 2018 )

Report on L.A. County Homeless Highlights Need for Early Intervention Programs
My News LA (April 25, 2018)

Early Intervention and Jobs are Key to Stemming Chronic Homelessness in Los Angeles
By Denise Luu, City Watch (April 26, 2018)

Intervening early is the best way to reduce chronic homelessness
By Kevin Ebi, American City & County (April 30, 2018)

Report: Early Intervention and Jobs are Key to Stemming Chronic Homelessness in Los Angeles
Santa Monica Mirror (April 29, 2018)

LA County Homeless Report Highlights Need for Early Intervention Programs
Long Beach Post (April 26, 2018)

Report on L.A. County Homeless Highlights Need for Early Intervention Programs
West LA News (April 25, 2018)

New Study: Early Exit from Short-term Homelessness Prevents Worse Scenarios
Capital & Main (April 25, 2018)

Broadcast Coverage of Escape Routes

KPCC-FM (Radio) – Los Angeles, CA
April 25, 2018, 4:30 PM; April 26, 2018, 7:30 AM

KCRW-FM (Radio) – Los Angeles, CA
April 25, 2018, 9:00 AM, 3:00 PM; April 26, 2018, 12:30 PM, 8:00 AM, 6:30 AM

KNX-AM (Radio) – Los Angeles, CA
April 25, 2018, 7:30 AM

KFI AM – Los Angeles, CA
April 25, 2018, 7:30 AM, 11:00 AM, 1:30 PM, 3:00 PM; April 26, 2018, 9:00 AM, 7:00 AM, 5:00 AM, 2:00 AM

Disney survey research was factual and credible
Daniel Flaming and Peter Dreier, letter to the Orange County Register (April 19, 2018)

Union-funded survey biased, just propaganda
Lisa Haines, Disneyland VP, letter to the Orange County Register (April 12, 2018)

These charts show how 5,000 Disney workers feel about their jobs
Jeff Goertzen, Art Director, Southern California News Group (April 11, 2018)

Outside Disneyland, a Reminder for Governments to Be Careful What They Wish for
By John Buntin, Governing (April 2018)

The homeless Disney worker who died alone in her car became the face of a public debate, but all she wanted was privacy
By Theresa Walker, Orange County Register (April 3, 2018)

Are Disney Workers Having a Hard Time Making Ends Meet?
By Michelle Chen, The Nation (March 14, 2018)

Yeweinisht Mesfin, California Adventure Custodian, Died Homeless in Her Car
By Gabriel San Roman, OC Weekly (March 9, 2018)

Disney shareholders reject executive pay plan in nonbinding vote at annual meeting
By Daniel Miller and Hugo Martin, Los Angeles Times (March 8, 2018)

Disney workers protest wages, demand more at Houston meeting
By Janel Forte, KHOU 11, Houston, TX (March 8, 2018)

Disney investors vote no on rich executive pay as union employees protest wages outside annual meeting
Orange County Register (March 8, 2018)

Disneyland workers demonstrate at Walt Disney Co. meeting, demanding ‘living wages’
By Hugo Martin, Los Angeles Times (March 8, 2018)

Disneyland Workers Chant for ‘Living Wage’ Outside Shareholder Meeting
NBC Southern California (March 9, 2018)

Disney Shareholders Vote on Executive Pay While Disneyland Workers Demonstrate Outside
By Tom Bell, Disney Information (March 8, 2018)

Disney Investors Offer Say on Executive Pay, and Dislike
By Christopher Palmeri and Jack Kaskey, Bloomberg News (March 8, 2017)

America is Disneyland
By Chris Kanthan, Nation of Change (March 7, 2018)

Keep the city of Anaheim out of Disney labor dispute
By The Editorial Board, Orange County Register (March 7, 2018)

Disneyland’s low pay is a reminder that benevolent corporations do not exist
Letters to the Editor, Los Angeles Times (March 6, 2018)

Five Takeaways From the Disneyland “Homeless” Report
By Gustavo Arellano, Capital & Main and BeyondChron (March 6, 2018)

High housing costs and long commutes drive more workers to sleep in cars
By Patrick Sisson, Curbed (March 6, 2018)

Disneyland’s workers are undervalued, disrespected and underpaid
by Peter Dreier and Daniel Flaming, Los Angeles Times (February 28, 2018)

Unions at the Disneyland Resort propose ballot measure to raise wages for workers
By Hugo Martin, Los Angeles Times (March 2, 2018)

The Walt Disney Company (NYSE:DIS) promotes Disneyland Resort as the ‘happiest place on earth
By Benchmark Monitor (March 5, 2018)

Unions Propose Ballot Measure Requiring Disneyland to Pay Workers Living Wage
By KTLA 5 (March 2, 2018)

Disneyland workers face homelessness due to low pay
By Beckett Frith, HR Grapevine (March 5 2018)

Disneyland Employees Report Low-Pay Hardships
By Michelle Gant, Brinkwire (March 4, 2018)

Three-quarters of employees surveyed at Disney’s Anaheim resort say they can’t afford basic living expenses
By Herald and News (March 3, 2018)

Not-So-Magic Kingdom? Many Disneyland Workers Poor & Homeless, Union Says Newburgh Gazette
By Jacquelyn Byrd, Newburgh Gazette (March 4, 2018)

Disneyland Employees Report Low-Pay Hardships — New Survey
By Violet Powell, Newburgh Gazette (March 3, 2018)

‘Happiest Place on Earth:’ Disneyland Workers Cannot Afford Food and Shelter
By Joanna Estrada, Lancashire Independent News (March 4, 2018)

Disneyland employees struggling to keep up with cost of living
By Zac Fyffe, Best in AU (March 3, 2018)

Survey points to economic struggles for Disneyland workers
By Jason Aycock, Seeking Alpha (March 3, 2018)

Disneyland Employees Report Low-Pay Hardships
By Christopher Zimmerman, Alive For Football (March 3, 2018)

Down and out in Disneyland: study finds most LA workers can’t cover basic needs
By Paulina Velasco, The Guardian (March 1, 2018)

Disney unions’ ballot drive seeks to raise wages up to $18 an hour for hospitality companies that take Anaheim subsidies
By Margot Roosevelt, Orange County Register (March 1, 2018)

Disneyland Staffers Grapple With Worries of Homelessness, Survey Says
By Beatrice Verhoeven, The Wrap (March 1, 2018)

‘Happiest Place on Earth:’ Disneyland Workers Cannot Afford Food and Shelter
By Adelle Nazarian, Breitbart News (March 1, 2018)

Disneyland staff ‘living on streets’
By Ben Hoyle, The Times (March 2, 2018 )

Survey reveals many Disneyland workers can’t make ends meet
By Madeline Brand, KCRW-Press Play (March 1, 2018)

Disneyland Staffers Are Suffering From Low Wages
MSN (March 1, 2018)

Study finds three quarters of Disney’s Anaheim resort employees can’t afford basic living expenses
by Hugo Martin, Los Angeles Times (February 28, 2018)

Disney unions’ ballot drive seeks to raise wages up to $18 an hour for hospitality companies that take Anaheim subsidies
By Margo Roosevelt, Orange County Register (February 28, 2018)

Empleados de Disneylandia acusan a la compañía multimillonaria de pagarles salarios de miseria
By Jacqueline García, La Opinión (February 28, 2018)

Survey reveals Disneyland employees struggling to pay living expenses, face homelessness
By Michelle Gant, (March 1, 2018)

Disney Labor Unions Announce $15 Living Wage Campaign for Anaheim Resort
By Gabriel San Roman, OC Weekly (March 1, 2018)

Survey: Most Calif. Disney Workers Can’t Afford Living Expenses
By Jenn Gidman, Newser (March 1, 2018)

Report: 10 percent of Disneyland employees have recently experienced homelessness
By Zac Self, City News Service and ABC10News (February 28, 2018)

Report finds Disneyland employees struggle to make ends meet
By Sanika Bhargaw, USC Annenberg Media (February 28, 2018)

Some Disneyland Employees Struggle to Pay For Food, Shelter, Survey Finds
By Merrit Kennedy, KQED and NPR (February 28, 2018)

Disneyland workers struggle with low wages and homelessness
CBS News Money Watch (March 1, 2018)

Your favorite Disneyland characters probably can’t pay for food or rent
BY Christina Flygstad, CW33 NewsFix (March 1, 2018)

Some Disneyland staff say they struggle with homelessness and food insecurity
By Jacob Passy, Market Watch (March 1, 2018)

Some Disneyland Workers Are Homeless: Union-Funded Report
NBC 7 San Diego (February 28, 2018)

Not-so-magic kingdom? Many Disneyland workers poor & homeless, union says
RT (February 28, 2018)

Survey finds 10 percent of Disneyland employees have been homeless in past two years
Tribune Media and Wire Fox 61 and Oklahoma’s News 4 (February 28, 2018)

New Survey: Disneyland Employees Report Low-Pay Hardships
by Diane Hathman­, Los Angeles Business Journal (February 28, 2018), also run in the Orange County Business Journal

Informe revela bajos salarios en Disneyland
by Alejandra Ortiz Chagín, Telemundo 52 and City News Service (February 28, 2018)

Some Disneyland Employees Struggle To Pay For Food, Shelter, Survey Finds
by Merrit Kennedy, National Public Radio (February 28, 2018)

10% of Disneyland Employees Have Been Homeless in the Past 2 Years, Union-Funded Wage Report Finds
by Tracy Bloom and Chip Yost, KTLA5 News (February 28, 2018)

Many Disneyland employees struggle to pay living expenses, face homelessness, according to survey
by Michelle Gant, Fox News (February 28, 2018)

Homeless and Hungry: Survey Finds Disneyland workers are Massively Underpaid
by Ewan Palmer, Newsweek (February 28, 2018)

Report details struggles theme park employees face to make ends meet
by Robert Niles, Theme Park Insider (February 28, 2018)

Some Disneyland Workers Are Homeless: Union-Funded Report Says
by NBC Southern California (February 28, 2018)

Disneyland Employees Have Had To Use Food Stamps, Risk Homelessness Due To Low Wages, Union Claims
by Aaron Homer, Inquisitr (February 28, 2018)

Disneyland Resort Workers Are the True Magic-Makers, But a Survey Shows Many Toil in Poverty
by Gabriel San Roman, OC Weekly (February 28, 2018)

Disneyland blasts report claiming many park employees paid so little they go hungry, are homeless
By Toni McAllister, (February 27, 2018)

Some Disneyland workers get paid so little they experience homelessness
By CBS 8 San Diego (February 27, 2018)

Disneyland Resort workers struggle to pay for food, housing and medical care, union survey finds
By Margot Roosevelt, Orange County Register (February 27, 2018)

By Day, a Sunny Smile for Disney Visitors. By Night, an Uneasy Sleep in a Car
By Jennifer Medina, New York Times (February 27, 2018)

Broadcast Coverage of Working for the Mouse

KSAZ-PHX (FOX) – Phoenix, AZ, March 1, 2018, 6:00 a.m.

WTVT-TB (FOX) – Tampa Bay, FL, March 1, 2018, 7:30 a.m.

WOGX (FOX) – Gainesville, FL, March 1, 2018, 7:15 a.m.

WGN – Chicago, IL, March 1, 2018, 6:30 a.m.

WXIN-IN (FOX) – Indianapolis, IN, March 2, 2018, 9:00 a.m.

KMSS-SHV (FOX) – Shreveport, LA, March 1, 2018, 7:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m.

WGNO-NO (ABC) – New Orleans, LA, March 1, 2018, 5:00 a.m.

WDAF-KC (FOX) – Kansas City, MO, March 1, 2018, 7:00 a.m.

WYFX (FOX) – Youngstown, OH, March 1, 2018, 9:00 a.m.

KINK Radio – Portland, OR, March 1, 2018, 7:30 a.m.

WTAT-CHS (FOX) – Charleston, SC, March 1, 2018, 7:00 a.m.

KDAF (CW) – Dallas, TX, March 1, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

KSTU-SLC (FOX) – Salt Lake City, UT, March 1, 2018, 9:00 a.m.

WTTG-DC (FOX) – Washington, D.C, March 1, 2018, 7:30 a.m.

WITI-MILW (FOX) – Milwaukee, WI, March 1, 2018, 5:00 a.m.

WIT -MILW (FOX) – Milwaukee, WI, March 1, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

KTTV-LA (FOX) – Los Angeles, CA, March 1, 2018, 6:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 8:30 p.m.

KCOY-SBA (CBS) – Santa Barbara, CA, March 1, 2018, 5:00 a.m.

KCBS-AM (Radio) – San Francisco, CA, March 1, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

KPIX-SF (CBS) – San Francisco, CA, February 28, 2018 , 11:00 p.m.

KCRW-FM (Radio) – Los Angeles, CA, March 1, 2018 , 6:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m.

Capital Public Radio – Sacramento, CA, March 1, 2018, 7:00 a.m.

KQED-FM (Radio) – San Francisco, CA, March 1, 2018, 6:00 a.m.

KMPH-FRES (FOX) – Fresno, CA, March 1, 2018 , 6:00 a.m.

WIT -MILW (FOX) – Milwaukee, WI, March 1, 2018 , 5:30 a.m.

WXMI-GR (FOX) – Grand Rapids, MI, March 1, 2018 , 5:30 a.m.

KVVU-LV (FOX) – Las Vegas, NV, February 28, 2018 , 11:30 p.m.

WFFT (FOX) – Fort Wayne, IN, February 28, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

KTLA, March 1, 2018, 6:00 pm

KNBC, February 28, 2018, 6:00 pm

KCAL, Los Angeles, CA, February 28, 2018, 6:00 pm, 4:30 pm , 10:00 pm

KNX-AM (Radio) – Los Angeles, CA, February 28, 2018, 6:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 1:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m.

KMEX-LA (Univision) – Los Angeles, CA, February 28, 2018, 6:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m.

KVEA (Telemundo) – Los Angeles, CA, February 28, 2018 , 12:00 p.m.

KFI-AM – Los Angeles, CA, February 28, 2018, 8:45 a.m.; March 1, 2018, 7: 00 a.m.

KNBC-LA (NBC) – Los Angeles, CA, February 28, 2018, 4:00 a.m., 5:00 a.m., 6:00 a.m.

KTLA-LA (WB) – Los Angeles, CA, February 28, 2018, 4:00 a.m., 5:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 1:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m.

KMBC-KC (ABC) – Kansas City, MO, February 28, 2018, 5:00 a.m.

KMEX-LA (Univision) – Los Angeles, CA, February 27, 2018 , 11:00 p.m.

KABC-AM (Radio) – Los Angeles, CA, February 27, 2018 , 11:30 p.m.

Why Los Angeles’ homelessness problem could be worse than anyone thought
By Cerise Castle, Vice News (February 6, 2018)

L.A.’s homelessness surged 75% in six years. Here’s why the crisis has been decades in the making
By Gale Holland, Los Angeles Times (February 2, 2018)

Is L.A.’s annual homeless count underestimating the numbers on the streets?
By Donna Littlejohn, Daily Breeze (November 24, 2017)

Official count underestimates L.A.’s homeless population, study says
By Gale Holland, Los Angeles Times (November 24, 2017)

Homeless Count In Los Angeles County Isn’t Accurate: Study
By Hoa Quách, Los Angeles Patch (November 25, 2017)

Official Count Underestimates L.A.’s Homeless Population: Study
KTLA5 (November 25, 2017)

How to tally life on streets?
By Gale Holland, PressReader (November 27, 2017)

Trump administration targets parents in new immigration crackdown
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (July 21, 2017)

Minimum Wage Increases, Pasadena’s Economic Future
By Brandon Villalovos, Pasadena Now (July 20, 2017)

A Plan to Make Flying Less Awful: How would airports change if the workers who made them run earned a living wage?
By Michelle Chen, The Nation (July 18, 2017)

Group Sees Pushback by Business Owners Against Minimum Wage Raises, Schedules Discussion
Pasadena Now (July 17, 2017)

Over a Thousand Contracted Airport Workers to Strike at United & American Airlines’ Largest Hubs
By Service Employees International Union, PR Newswire (July 11, 2017)

Workers celebrate L.A.’s new $12 minimum wage, businesses brace for impact
By Natalie Kitroeff, Los Angeles Times (July 1, 2017)

De Blasio takes airport workers’ pay raise, union representation fight to U.S. Conference of Mayors in Miami
By Ginger Adams Otis, New York Daily News (June 22, 2017)

Suffering in Silicon Valley — and how homeless advocates are trying to end it
By Phillip Bane, Smart Cities Council (May 16, 2017)

California Today: A Push to Legalize Sidewalk Vending in Los Angeles
By Mike McPhate, New York Times (December 13, 2016)

Nontraditional Gets Workout: L.A. County fertile field for self-employed
By Howard Fine, Los Angeles Business Journal (September 2, 2016)

Santa Clara’s “Triage Tool” Pinpoints the Most Vulnerable on the Streets
By Cecelia Vieira, Spare Change News (August 9, 2016)

Could this Silicon Valley Algorithm Pick which Homeless People Get Housing?
By Josh Harkinson, Mother Jones (June 29, 2016)

Homelessness can be ended; Santa Clara County has the formula
By Jennifer Loving, San Jose Mercury News (June 24, 2016)

USC should establish homeless shelter
By Editorial Board, Daily Trojan (April 14, 2016)

Los Angeles County Selects Vendor for Housing Initiative
By CivSource (March 31, 2016)

Los Angeles County Selects ClientTrack Case Management for Housing for Health Initiative
By Business Wire (March 30, 2016)

What Legalizing Street Vending Could Do for L.A.’s Local Economy
By Daniel Ross, yes! magazine (February 23, 2016)

LA homelessness: Picking who gets housing first
By Josie Huang, Southern California Public Radio (February 18, 2016)

Silicon Valley ‘triage tool’ calculates the neediest homeless cases
By David E. Early, San Jose Mercury News (February 17, 2016)

Long Beach council votes to move forward on minimum wage hike
By Margot Roosevelt, Orange County Register (January 21, 2016)

Long Beach City Council Approves $13 Minimum Wage With “Pathway” to $15 by 2021
By Jason Ruiz, Long Beach Post (January 20, 2016)

Long Beach council votes to raise minimum wage
By Andrew Edwards, Press-Telegram (January 20, 2016)

Long Beach City Council Passes New Minimum Wage
By NBC 4 Los Angeles (January 20, 2016)

Long Beach council votes to raise minimum wage
By L.A. Biz (January 20, 2016)

Long Beach votes to raise minimum wage to $13 by 2019
By Brian Watt, KPCC (January 20, 2016)

Long Beach City Council Votes to Gradually Raise Minimum Wage to $13
By Chelsea Edwards, ABC 7 Eyewitness News (January 20, 2016)

Long Beach City Council Votes to Raise Minimum Wage To $13 By 2019
By CBS Los Angeles (January 20, 2016)

Long Beach City Council approves minimum wage increase to $13 a hour
Debbie L. Sklar, My News (January 20, 2016)

California minimum wage jumped a few happy tears
By Sarah Le, NTD News (January 6, 2016)

Long Beach Minimum Wage Raise Clears Commission, Advances Towards Final Vote
By Allison Mannos, LAANE (January 6, 2016)

Long Beach commission calls for $13 minimum wage by 2019
By Andrew Edwards, Long Beach Press-Telegram (January 6, 2016)

Economic Development Commission Recommends $13 An Hour Minimum Wage
Harry Saltzgaver, Gazette Newspapers (January 6, 2016)

4 myths that make L.A. County’s homeless problem worse
By Adam Murray, Los Angeles Times (December 31, 2015)

Business leaders propose alternatives to Long Beach’s minimum wage push
By Andrew Edwards, Long Beach Press-Telegram (December 21, 2015)

More Questions than Answers as Long Beach Minimum Wage Recommendations Deadline Nears
By Jason Ruiz, Long Beach Post (December 15, 2015)

Pasadena Chamber of Commerce’s Paul Little Applauds LA’s Minimum Wage Law
By Peter Dreier, Huffington Post (November 25, 2015)

Los Angeles Economic Roundtable Study Provides Person-Centric View of Higher Wages in Long Beach
By Jason Ruiz, Long Beach Post (November 24, 2015)

Long Beach Considers Minimum Wage Hike
By Zamná Ávila, Random Lengths News (October 30, 2015)

Mayor Garcetti’s top aide on homelessness pushes for more state funding
By Dakota Smith, Los Angeles Daily News (October 23, 2015)

Pasadena Economic Development & Technology hearing on proposed wage increases
By Walt Mancini, Pasadena Star-News (October 22, 2015)

Support for $15 minimum wage increase in Pasadena growing with council, residents
By Jason Henry, Pasadena Star News (October 22, 2015)

Council Committee Holds Pasadena Minimum Wage Increase Community Meeting
By Eddie Rivera, Pasadena Now (October 22, 2015)

Wage Issues, Fair Workloads
By Dianne Anderson, Long Beach Leader (October 22, 2015)

Is a $100 million homelessness initiative the answer?
By Arielle Taccad, PCC Courier (October 7, 2015)

Study will determine Redding’s cost of homelessness
By Jenny Espino, Record Searchlight (October 3, 2015)

Los Angeles officials declare “state of emergency” over homelessness
By Kevin Martinez, World Socialist Web Site (September 28, 2015)

Los Angeles Homeless State of Emergency: City to Devote $100M to Problem
By Clyde Hughes, NewsMax (September 23, 2015)

How the Los Angeles’ homeless crisis got so bad
By Shelby Grad and Gale Holland, Los Angeles Times (September 21, 2015)

Homelessness Grows in LA as Affordable Housing Disappears
By Michael Sainato, Observer (September 4, 2015)

13,000 fall into homelessness every month, report says
By Gale Holland, Los Angeles Times (August 25, 2015)

Nearly 1 Million Left Homeless in 9 Years in L.A., Report Says
By Dennis Romero, LA Weekly (August 25, 2015)

Los Angeles County sees chronic homelessness rising
By Susan Abram, Los Angeles Daily News (August 25, 2015)

LA County Residents On Public Assistance Increasingly Falling Into Homelessness
CBS Los Angeles (August 25, 2015)

Study: 13,000 Slip into Homelessness in LA County Each Month
By Paige Austin, Patch (August 25, 2015)

Fight to end chronic homelessness must start in childhood, report says
By Josie Huang, KPCC (August 25, 2015)

13,000 become homeless every month in Los Angeles County, study says
By Haya El Nasser, Al Jazerra America (August 25, 2015)

Nearly 1 Million People Were Homeless in Los Angeles Between 2002 and 2010
By Bianca Barragan, Curbed Los Angeles (August 25, 2015)

Report: More than 10,000 become homeless in Los Angeles County each month
By Michael Cronin, Los Angeles Sun Times (August 25, 2015)

New Study Finds Growing Homeless Population
Madeleine Brand, Press Play, KCRW (August 25, 2015)

13K public aid recipients become homeless in LA County every month– report
RT America (August 26, 2015)

Over 13,000 people in Los Angeles fall into homelessness each month
Fox News Latino (August 26, 2015

Study: Sky-High Los Angeles County Rents Push 13,000 into Homelessness
By Miriam Hernandez, ABC 7 Eyewitness News (August 25, 2015)

Over 13,000 People in Los Angeles Fall into Homelessness Each Month
Latin American Herald Tribune (August 27, 2015)

L.A. Street Vendors Contribute Half A Billion Dollars To Local Economy
By Rick Paulas, KCET Public Television (July 16, 2015)

Street Vendors Generate Half a Billion Dollars for L.A.’s Economy, Report Says
By Dennis Romero, LA Weekly (June 25, 2015)

High-wage, low-polluting jobs are rare in LA County
By Ben Bergman, Southern California Public Radio (May 12, 2015)

Study Suggests Housing Santa Clara County’s Homeless Is Cheaper Than Letting Them Live On Streets
By Jeffrey Schaub, CBS San Francisco Bay Area (June 1, 2015)

Giving Homeless People Homes Is Cost-Efficient Even In Pricey Silicon Valley: Study
By Eleanor Goldberg, Huffington Post (June 4, 2015)

Survival Amid Riches: Homelessness in the Silicon Valley
By Grant Whittington, Triple Pundit (June 4th, 2015)

Silicon Valley-area study known as the largest study of homelessness ever
By Brian Lehrer, CUNY Television (June 2, 2015)

Acting to end homelessness
By Michael Engh, S.J., and John A. Sobrato, Santa Clara Magazine (May 26, 2015)

Homelessness costs billions; let’s spend instead on housing people
By Editorial Board, San Jose Mercury News (May 29, 2015)

Homeless in Santa Clara County: Report puts cost at $520 million a year
By Mark Emmons, San Jose Mercury News (May 26, 2015)

Silicon Valley Discovers the Cheapest Way to Help the Homeless: Give Them Homes
By Gabrielle Canon, Mother Jones (May 27, 2015)

Homelessness an issue of social justice and fiscal responsibility
By John A. Sobrato and Michael Engh, S.J., San Jose Mercury News (May 26, 2015)

Homelessness Costs $520 Million a Year in Silicon Valley: Report
By Lisa Fernandez and Bob Redell, NBC News (May 26, 2015)

Homelessness Costing Santa Clara County $520 Million A Year
CBS News (May 26, 2015)

Homelessness in Silicon Valley Costs $520 Million a Year
By Jennifer Wadsworth, San Jose Insider (May 26, 2015)

New homeless study shows financial cost also has a human toll
By Mark Emmons, San Jose Mercury News (May 26, 2015)

Silicon Valley Homelessness a $520 million problem
By Molly Martinez, KRON4 Bay Area News (May 26, 2015)

Study Finds Santa Clara County Homeless Cost $520 Million
By Chris Nguyen, ABC7 News (May 26, 2015)

Study shows helping South Bay homeless more expensive than providing housing
By Ann Rubin, Fox KTVU News (May 26, 2015)

Santa Clara County Spends $520 Million a Year on Homeless
By Michael Krasny, KQED Radio Forum (May 27, 2015)

Extreme Wealth and Absolute Squalor: Homelessness in Silicon Valley
By Alan Pyke, ThinkProgress (May 28, 2015)

The cheapest way to end homelessness is ridiculously simple, according to the largest-ever US study
By Drake Baer and Natasha Bertrand, Business Insider (May 28, 2015)

Homelessness Costs Santa Clara County Billions
By Jennifer Hodges, KGO810 (May 26, 2015)

Study: Silicon Valley Could End Homelessness for Free
By Greg Ferenstein, Breitbart News (May 28, 2015)

Study: Santa Clara County costs for homeless total $520M a year
By Ryan McCarthy, Daily Republic (May 28, 2015)

Study finds Santa Clara County homeless cost $520 million
The Daily Journal (May 27, 2015)

Study finds Santa Clara County homeless cost $520 million
By Associated Press, Washington Times (May 26, 2015)

New Santa Clara County homeless study shows financial cost also has a human toll
By Mark Emmons, Contra Costa Times (May 26, 2015)

Homelessness in Silicon Valley Costs $520M per Year
By Lamar Anderson, Curbed San Francisco (May 26, 2015)

LA’s Minimum Wage Workers Just Won $15 an Hour—How Many Will Actually Be Paid That?
By Michelle Chen, CityWatch (25 May 2015)

It’s a Cruel Summer for California’s School Workers
By Patrick Burns and Sebastian Ridley-Thomas, Los Angeles Sentinel (May 21, 2015)

Asistente de maestro vende tamales para sobrevivir en el verano
Yurina Melara, La Opinión (April 28, 2015)

Report urges ending ‘cruel summer’ for CA classified school workers
Craig Clough, LA School Report (April 21, 2015)

A City Divided: Will the minimum wage hike make or break L.A.?
By Matt Lemas, Neon Tommy (March 31, 2015)

LA City Council committee considers impact of raising minimum wage
By Brian Watt, Southern California Public Radio (March 25, 2015)

Raising the Minimum Wage Debated at L.A. City Council committee hearing
By Elizabeth Hsing-Huei Chou, Los Angeles Daily News (March 24, 2015)

Economic Benefits of Raising the Minimum Wage in LA
By Conan Nolan and Yvonne Guevara, NBC Los Angeles (March 20, 2015)

Debating dueling data on the effect of a minimum wage hike on the LA economy
Hosted by Larry Mantle, Southern California Public Radio (March 19, 2015)

Raising the minimum wage in LA: 3 studies on the impact
By Brian Watt, Southern California Public Radio (March 19, 2015)

Three Studies of L.A. Minimum Wage Boost Reach Different Conclusions
By Emily Alpert Reyes, Los Angeles Times (March 19, 2015)

Wage Theft: A Los Angeles Story
By Vivian Rothstein, Capital & Main (January 22, 2015)

Street Vendors Fall Prey to Gangs, Will L.A.’s Move to Legalize Them Help?
By Dakota Smith, Los Angeles Daily News (January 22, 2015)

Skid Row Doctor’s Care Includes Finding Patients a Home
By Gale Holland, Los Angeles Times (January 14, 2015)

L.A. Officials Take a Step Toward Legalizing Street Vending 
By Emily Alpert Reyes, Los Angeles Times (December 2, 2015)

Will the New Year Bring Legalization to LA Street Vendors?
By Leslie Berestein Rojas, Southern California Public Radio (December 18, 2014)

Cutting Health Costs by Subsidizing Housing
By David Weinberg, Marketplace Economy (December 4, 2014)

The Fight for $15.37 an Hour
By Steven Greenhouse, New York Times (November 22, 2014)

Raising the minimum wage: Would it help or hurt L.A.?
By Daniel Flaming and Edward Leamer, Los Angeles Times, Op-Ed Debate (October 11, 2014)

LA Rent: Has rent control been successful in Los Angeles?
By Ben Berkman, 89.3 KPCC (September 12, 2014)

1 in 6 California Construction Workers Labors in Shadows, Study Finds
By Tiffany Hsu, Los Angeles Times (August 31, 2014)

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